This seems to be a hip place to post things so I'll half assedly insert myself into this even though I wasn't there and it doesn't really concern me. Anyways, in my eyes, as long as you are doing everything you are capable of to fight the enemy team, you aren't delaying. Hell, I'll even sit through a rock thrower running away and throwing crap at the remainder of the enemy team, because at least he is trying. I won't enjoy it but as long as every round does not end like that I can spare a minute or two of my day to give him the chance to win. But when people sit around hugging, or having low STR fistfights then there's a problem. We get that you're dank internet buddies and all, but there can be 30 people waiting for you to conclude your shenanigans, which surprisingly not everyone enjoys. Onto the actual ban itself it has been mentioned at least several times that he can appeal the ban and if he acts somewhat decently the ban will be shortened. So yes 30 days is a bit extreme (given that I don't know the prior circumstances), but it'll probably end up being shorter than that.
TLCR I'm important because I post things on an internet forum.