Хочешь ублюдок? глупый американец! коммунизм власть
...im not sure im reading this right, but here goes...i want answers, i am a bastard, i am not american and communism is just as corrupt as the rest of them.
More like...
You want a discussion? Stupid american! COMMUNISM RULES
Хочешь ублюдок?
Want bastard?
( i know, it makes no sense )
глупый американец!
silly american!
( "глупый" is a very mild word, not as insulting as "stupid" or even "foolish" )
коммунизм власть!
communism a form of government!
( i could translate it as "communism power", but it would actually make some sense in English, while it doesn't in Russian. Gives the same impression as writing "democracy freedom" - just two words written next to each other )