to admins no need to check logs! i said it and i assume.
before be an admin, im a player!
when i write in white the player talk and when it's pink the admin talk.
to me it's clear... as admin i just try to make ppl stick to rules for the rest im still the rager you know since 6 years ... and it's useless to be an example for the community coz it's all doomed
everybody in this game already insulted someone else...
let's talk about your playing style who is 100% pure cancer aka hiding camping agiwhore sneaking and cowardice...
im human i have feeling and your playing style make me rage.
my trash talk is toxic like your playing style... i see nothing bad at saying what is true.
now i'm hesitating i have two solution :
- leave admin job and still be able to spit the truth to your face.
- stay admin and every day tell you how you are good at running away, how you are the player with the bigest balls, how we should make a statue in your honor because you are rly an example for all of us. plz teach me !
so if you request a sanction for me because calling you my old friend
i will ask sanction for you for leeching spawn and lying on admin job
up to you.
Wait, so standing in spawn is reason enough for punishments to be handed out?
As much as I think Kansuke should grow a thicker skin, stop using the "Don't participate in team effort"-bullshit whenever you like it Blackbow.
So many times I have seen you on the server while shitloads of people (Not only Krems surprisingly) were standing around in the spawn while their team got slaughtered.
IF you are gonna chuck about silly rules in order to defend your actions, at least make sure you follow them consistently.
not participating to team effort is the rule ppl break the most atm and to be honest it's the rule who break my balls the most
i dont understand how u can stay at spawn and know than you are letting your team fight outnumbred and will probably loose.
so when i see ppl in middle of the round still at spawn and doing nothing i will tell them to move (not only krems) but sometimes when they are in winning team and its like 20 vs 5 i say nothing ...
because i'm repeating the same things everyday and you guys dont listen and keep doing the same shit everyday so there is a moment i will gave up and
do the oldschool admin and just ban without thinking, but i try to stay cool with those people for the moment, i gave thousands of chance to ppl who was posing trouble ingame it worked with some of them and there is the others who will get permaban soon once again...