Couching gives it balance.Reason of couching is to be able to hold 3 - 4 meter long lances with a straight line.
I'm not going to say much more on the matter because I don't want this to become a history fap. Couching did not balance the lance. In history, a knight would ride towards the enemy, slowly dropping his lance tip and slowly aiming it to its target. A second or two before impact, the lance is level and honed in on the target. The reason this is done so close before impact is because of the difficulty to perform such a feat. There's a few great videos out there on the web that demonstrate this. Take a look at some competitive jousting competition (none of that renaissance shit!) and look at the series "Weapons that made Britain"'s impact combat episode.
I think current couch system is good .Everything don't have to be realistic .It is a game for fun not a nerdly LARP event.
I do not agree with "Make all lances couch only" also since the longest lance = 190 cm and longest weapon on foot =300 cm.Considering a lancer loses like a 80-100 cm while couching cuz of the horses reach it would be nearly impossible to play as a lancer.
I agree. Also, the animation of couching reduces the weapon's effective reach as well. Couching is considerably more risky than poking because of this.
I think current system is fine.
Disabling block is also fail because when in real life you can carry a lance , a main weapon (2hander) and a shield because you can put your sword or lance on your horse.If you make lances no block,polearm cav builds will fail on horse.(No block on horse cuz lance got 2slots so as any polearm better than staff means no shield.)
This is one potential drawback of disabling on all. I'm on the fence on either to say "blocking on all lances!" and give lancers a buff, or to say "no blocking on lances!" and give them a nerf. The current system of the superior lances (like the heavy lance) does need to be changed in some way though for internal balance among lancers.
Please leave real world examples out of video game mechanics.
Some real world examples are fine -- so long as it takes a backseat to entertainment and balance. If entertainment and balance can be achieved through a realistic way and an unrealistic way, the realistic way should be implemented. That said, I don't want this thread to become a giant history fap.