Author Topic: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer  (Read 12371 times)

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2015, 10:15:28 pm »
again you talk about 1vs1 thats not what the game is about or balance. How about the bordom of fighting with 0 PS and 0 wpf since you need to use all your points to counter nerfs upon nerfs if you want the flipside of the coin you toss

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2015, 10:21:18 pm »
I am talking about a whole team that cant reach mounted ranged.
The idea of counter  is that one class is better than an other in a 1v1 situation. But with some skill or the help of a mate you can still overcome the enemy.
For mounted ranged there is no skill for an infanteryman that would help him to kill the rider. even with the help of 5 more infanteryman he can't do shit.
you have to have an other cav or ranged to kill that HX/HA.
this is the point that is so annoying. no mather how many or how good you are. if the right equipment is not available there is nothing you can do.
this is unique. every other class can be killed by any other class. some harder, some easier but it is possible.
 not so for HX/HA. SO therefore kill them with fire rape their mothers and enslave their sisters untill they stop their evil existance.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2015, 10:30:36 pm by Utrakil »
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2015, 10:27:05 pm »
Good raw damage, but good luck trying to hit your target because of the very low accuracy as it was proposed.

That is the equivalent of noob tubing, which would be horrible for a game that should reward skillful play.
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.


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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2015, 10:38:15 pm »
I am talking about a whole team that cant reach mounted ranged.
The idea of counter  is that one class is better than an other in a 1v1 situation. But with some skill or the help of a mate you can still overcome the enemy.
For mounted ranged there is no skill for an infanteryman that would help him to kill the rider. even with the help of 5 more infanteryman he can't do shit.
you have to have an other cav or ranged to kill that HX/HA.
this is the point that is so annoying. no mather how many or how good you are. if the right equipment is not available there is nothing you can do.
this is unique. every other class can be killed by any other class. some harder, some easier but it is possible.
 not so for HX/HA. SO therefore kill them with fire rape their mothers and enslave their sisters untill they stop their evil existance.

First of all nip that in the butt... if a whole fucking team is fighting 1 HA just stand on the god damn flag... what do you people not get? Is that not why the flag was put there in the first place? There is plenty of cover around for an ground archer or xbow to use and they 1 or 2 shot you or the horse. I swear the only point any of you should make is that "I am just annoyed and I can't play it so why does it need to be there". Also mounted ranged requires more skill than ground range..

what i dont understand is why everyone seem to think all classes need to be balanced against every other class. melee isnt supposed to be able to go one on one with a HA/HX.

And we are supposed to be powerfull on a horse.... the drawback is when you loose that horse. since alot of points are put into the skills and stats to ride that horse the power shifts when we loose that horse.

i dont see when ha/hx was 0 risk. And bad players never did good on a HA/HX they rarely ever got the top half of the scoreboard.

I think there is alot of "i think" or "I heard" facts floating around HA. Dont think their nerfs where based on many hard facts. Some of the patch notes almost felt like someone had a personal agenda against the class.

Could not of been more exact, glad someone knows wtf they are talking about. Some nerds act is if they have tried it or some shit, bunch of biased bitches.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #34 on: October 17, 2015, 04:47:20 am »
You got it all wrong, I can do something when fighting HA, like stand on the damn flag and he can't kill me... Please don't make my puke my mouth when you talk about archers or even xbowers being high risk even somewhat. They are the biggest pussies out of all tbh and should always easily counter HA unless the dumb xbow or archers gets caught out in an open field with their pants down, and even then generally speaking the HA will be outnumbered and the shitties with long bows and arbs will 1 or 2 shot the rider or his horse. There really is no argument to anyone that says HA don't need a buff, because in every way it does... Mod used to be great until all the cry babies came out wanting everything nerfed and Tydues listened to them. Dude was biased as shit and not well versed enough at every build to be judging off of his own skill. There are really only a select few that are...

Oh yeah and lets balance it off of this guys perception.. nice input.

Noone is balancing off my perception, bud. But I am expressing the popular opinion. I see no pro horse archer my old friends here offering any kind of counter argument to the fact that it ruins fun for the rest of the server. Because they can't, because it does. Everyone here has seen servers emptied out at prime time because horse archers were having their fun.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #35 on: October 17, 2015, 07:34:51 am »
The only correct answer is to just not allow mounted ranged, but instead you guys sit around like stupid bundle of stickss and argue how to make minute buff/nerfs to a class that shouldn't exist.  Congrats, you are all retards.

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #36 on: October 17, 2015, 07:51:09 am »
Noone is balancing off my perception, bud. But I am expressing the popular opinion. I see no pro horse archer my old friends here offering any kind of counter argument to the fact that it ruins fun for the rest of the server. Because they can't, because it does. Everyone here has seen servers emptied out at prime time because horse archers were having their fun.

Wow really, you speak for the whole server and the whole community do you. I'll bet my half my penis size that killing Rohypnol gave everyone that did it 10 times the enjoyment than som random 2h hero, so therefor he ADDs to the enjoyment of the game.

Nice to meet you. now fuck off. you add nothing to this thread.

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #37 on: October 17, 2015, 09:34:48 am »
Wow really, you speak for the whole server and the whole community do you. I'll bet my half my penis size that killing Rohypnol gave everyone that did it 10 times the enjoyment than som random 2h hero, so therefor he ADDs to the enjoyment of the game.

Nice to meet you. now fuck off. you add nothing to this thread.

Haha, I like this guy. I never claimed to speak for the whole community, but having played this mod for 5 years, I do have an idea on what most people think.

Killing a horse archer does come with some amount of catharsis, but only because it's the most annoying thing in the game to play against. Is this the only defense of horse archery as a class? That it's fun to kill cunts?

BTW Rohy isn't a horse archer main, he plays gimmick builds with his friends and this is the one gimmick build that hasn't dominated, hence the whine thread.

I love playing horse archery in other mods + single player, because it's fun and it's zero risk high reward. Not a good combination when people's multipliers are on the line and the whole server sits in spectator for 5 minutes while one horse archer circles around.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2015, 11:04:40 am »
I'm not entirely sure if everyone has half a brain cell to spare but I don't think it requires much more than that to realize that when something so clearly OP and so immune to all forms of attacks is present one should stop and think... wait... that is to much to ask of the people here. So I'll just tell you some basic facts.

Did you know at least 3/3rds of the time you will have friendly range on your team?
Did you know that said friendly range is highly capable of taking down this immune horse range demon?
Did you know that if you.. yes you... the friendly infantry used half a brain cell you would find your friendly range player near you and protect said friendly range player (s)... so that it(they) can protect you from the horsemen of the apocalypse.

As a range horse cavalry demon myself I can tell you from my personal experience that enemy range players are hell to deal with... especially smart ones... Ik smart.. and cRPG don't normally go hand in hand this is okay... normally if you just spew bullshit on the forums 99% of the time your special needs will be accommodated.

Ik when I'm on my main and a lone Horse demon pops in the server I honestly don't even really perceive it as even a remote threat... even if it shoots me I'd rather not waste a bolt on it as their are much greater threats to my survival than this horse demon that is immune to all forms of attack and " will successfully wipe out the entire server"

 I've honestly never witnessed a lone horse archer clear out a server, I have on the other hand witnessed teamwork clear out servers. So I think perhaps you have witnessed a group of horse archers using teamwork to maybe end a late night server experience a few times which would cause you to have the false assumption that Horse archery = dead servers. Using solid teamwork in any late night server experience would probably kill it.

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #39 on: October 17, 2015, 11:49:01 am »
I'm not entirely sure if everyone has half a brain cell to spare but I don't think it requires much more than that to realize that when something so clearly OP and so immune to all forms of attacks is present one should stop and think... wait... that is to much to ask of the people here. So I'll just tell you some basic facts.

Did you know at least 3/3rds of the time you will have friendly range on your team?
Did you know that said friendly range is highly capable of taking down this immune horse range demon?
Did you know that if you.. yes you... the friendly infantry used half a brain cell you would find your friendly range player near you and protect said friendly range player (s)... so that it(they) can protect you from the horsemen of the apocalypse.

As a range horse cavalry demon myself I can tell you from my personal experience that enemy range players are hell to deal with... especially smart ones... Ik smart.. and cRPG don't normally go hand in hand this is okay... normally if you just spew bullshit on the forums 99% of the time your special needs will be accommodated.

Ik when I'm on my main and a lone Horse demon pops in the server I honestly don't even really perceive it as even a remote threat... even if it shoots me I'd rather not waste a bolt on it as their are much greater threats to my survival than this horse demon that is immune to all forms of attack and " will successfully wipe out the entire server"

 I've honestly never witnessed a lone horse archer clear out a server, I have on the other hand witnessed teamwork clear out servers. So I think perhaps you have witnessed a group of horse archers using teamwork to maybe end a late night server experience a few times which would cause you to have the false assumption that Horse archery = dead servers. Using solid teamwork in any late night server experience would probably kill it.

You're constructing an argument I didn't make. Noone is saying that horse ranged, as they are right now, are over powered. They're weak, and that's a good thing.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #40 on: October 17, 2015, 12:15:30 pm »
You're constructing an argument I didn't make. Noone is saying that horse ranged, as they are right now, are over powered. They're weak, and that's a good thing.

So let me get this clear... you saying that its a good thing that a class is way underpowered ? come up with some cold hard fucking facts not all this damn i feel shit... you are hiding behind a "fun" statment... well fun is relative and cant really be put down as a mesurement unless you get EVERY player to submit to a constant monitoring of their dopamin levels in their brain. Good fucking luck with get any mesurment from the brain dead zombie "im gonna bravehart attack this archer in a stright line" 2h heros.

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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #41 on: October 17, 2015, 12:16:42 pm »
And if you're wearing plate and the enemy is a horse archer you also cant do anything. So the classes have been balanced to be equally effective vs each other.

Well in a 1v1 situation the plate guy has a clear advantage just standing on flags completely immune to damage.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #42 on: October 17, 2015, 01:12:53 pm »
So let me get this clear... you saying that its a good thing that a class is way underpowered ? come up with some cold hard fucking facts not all this damn i feel shit... you are hiding behind a "fun" statment... well fun is relative and cant really be put down as a mesurement unless you get EVERY player to submit to a constant monitoring of their dopamin levels in their brain. Good fucking luck with get any mesurment from the brain dead zombie "im gonna bravehart attack this archer in a stright line" 2h heros.

I hate to say this, but you come off as the kind of a dick. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you're the type to only worry about his own fun and noone else's.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #43 on: October 17, 2015, 01:43:26 pm »
I hate to say this, but you come off as the kind of a dick. It doesn't surprise me in the least that you're the type to only worry about his own fun and noone else's.

What does this have to do with anything? Is it not fair that all classes should have a use, be it slightly weaker than others, or maybe a slight bit stronger? But being competely buried in nerfs is not something any class deserves. You need dedicated class players to get actual insight on classes, people who dont play said classes will always only know their strengths and call for nerfs.
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Re: Decided to try out Mounted ranged... Horse Archer
« Reply #44 on: October 17, 2015, 03:32:20 pm »
I never play or liked horseranged but at the current state of balance, I think even if you lifted the damage cap completely, they still would be far from OP.

Footranged can take out their horses so fast, they cant just ride around close to enemy inf and pepper them from 5 meters without putting themselves in great danger. Also with the high lvl we have today, even 10 PD isnt the damage monster that it used to be, much less HA with significantly less firepower ( not sure though how speedbonus works for horseranged right now ). And then we have flags, so endlessly delaying rounds isnt possible for horseranged either.

If you really want to make sure that horseranged cant delay at round end, make the flags spawn with a circle of deplayed siegeshields around it or some other prop that provides cover.

Lastly, inf player, wtf, do not chase horseranged when you are on foot like dogs chasing cars. First *spoiler* you wont catch them and second, you are just blocking all the ranged in your team that could shoot down their horses.
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