oh fuck m8! you're right it was all totally over my head! here you go again with the "I'm so smart" bullshit. Ye, go visit this website about your diagnosis, then google that shit because YOU AREN'T A FUCKING DOCTOR WHOSE JOB IT IS TO TELL YOU WHAT'S WRONG! No doctor, that is not a cancerous lump, I've gone to this website and found my full comprehensive list your hospital and you have generated. After a rigorous 5 minute google search I regret to inform you but you're wrong, it's clearly a twin I've absorbed in utero. Get fucked ye.
But hey man, what do I know, I'm the idiot remember. Let's all use a website to self diagnose eachother, just to keep our doctor's on their toes............
Also, I'd be questioning the "statistics" and methods used to obtain said numbers. Statistics are only as good as the control group you've used them on. Fact, 90% of people won't believe we share over 50% of our DNA with a banana.