1. Ladyboy_Kanalja
2. Ladyboy_Kana1ja and f3d4spertos
3. today, 15 min ago
4. Ariec and his friend h3vi created char with nickname similar to mine - Ladyboy_
Kanal1a and char with with strange nickname f3d4spertos. Ladyboy_Kanl1ja started teamkilling ppl on respawn; after Kanal1a started ban poll on me. It's not an mistake, he did it on purpose. First poll didn't pass, after player _samurai_ started poll against true-teamkiller - Ladyboy_Kana1ja. Poll didn't pass too, and Kana1ja continued to teamkill ppl. f3d4spertos started new poll to ban me and poll passed by mistake - players on the server did not notice a difference in nicknames and banned me. PEPE also didn't take care about difference, and some players too - you can see on screenshots. I know that it's Ariec and h3vi - they played on the server before raund end, and then recconect under the same banner; one of them had a high ping like a Ariec has. Concidence? Check out the website and logs, you'll see that i'm right. It's obiosly thick trolling and they just stole my 1 hour of possible playing time.
http://forum.melee.org/eu-(official)/ban-somebody/5. guys are very funny i guess.
7. All players on EU1; sir_Muslim, sir_Melendil