
Does modifying game files (turn walls transparent, turn weapons and ammo bright neon colours, remove wheather effects, etc) constitute cheating in your opinon?

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Author Topic: Modifying cRPG  (Read 4002 times)

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Modifying cRPG
« on: August 26, 2015, 07:44:55 pm »
This is a two part suggestion

1- Make the launcher check certain files everytime you launch the game, and forbid from launching if not repaired to original spec, or some other solution to prevent cheating. And yes, I know chadz and co ruled long ago that moding the mod wasn't in itself breaking a rule, but I don't think there's a cRPG player who would say that turning off fog and weather, making it always be day, turning all weapons and ammo neon pink, making walls transparent, and a variety of other bullshit that they use solely to give themselves an advantage over every other player, isn't cheating. And this is only the shit that people have admitted to doing over the years. It's pure bundle of sticksry and should have been dealt with ages ago, it's a bigger issue imo than multiaccounting and on par with autoblocking.

2- Incorporate the heirloom pack directly into the mod. This is the biggest reason not to forbid game modifications, stuff like this which is purely comestic and provides no gameplay advantage (beyond being able to tell who is using loomed weaps/armor and who isnt, which isn't exactly game breaking). Unfortunately the usual cunts my old friendging up every multiplayer game ruin it for everyone else, as per tradition,.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2015, 07:53:45 pm »
I guess this would be a lot of work and think about those ones who use other archer crosshairs, other textures for the armors, but well even though you and many others like the heirloom pack, it does not everybody have to like it.. :/ But something u could tick when launching the game would be great! I guess when u think there is someone actually cheating u should contact an admin to get him doing a screenshot of the game^^


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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2015, 08:02:49 pm »
There are other texture mods and such that are not cheating (higher detail etc). I personally do not see this as a big deal.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2015, 08:11:16 pm »
This is a two part suggestion

1- Make the launcher check certain files everytime you launch the game, and forbid from launching if not repaired to original spec, or some other solution to prevent cheating. And yes, I know chadz and co ruled long ago that moding the mod wasn't in itself breaking a rule, but I don't think there's a cRPG player who would say that turning off fog and weather, making it always be day, turning all weapons and ammo neon pink, making walls transparent, and a variety of other bullshit that they use solely to give themselves an advantage over every other player, isn't cheating. And this is only the shit that people have admitted to doing over the years. It's pure bundle of sticksry and should have been dealt with ages ago, it's a bigger issue imo than multiaccounting and on par with autoblocking.

2- Incorporate the heirloom pack directly into the mod. This is the biggest reason not to forbid game modifications, stuff like this which is purely comestic and provides no gameplay advantage (beyond being able to tell who is using loomed weaps/armor and who isnt, which isn't exactly game breaking). Unfortunately the usual cunts my old friendging up every multiplayer game ruin it for everyone else, as per tradition,.
Oberyn, since you came on raging at me today about some pink dildo's or something, and accusing me of having CRPG modded.  I started making some screenshots especially for you, because alot of player witnessed you and  to prove your full of it.
Here you go.

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Oberyn Spectate mode, prolly the moment he lost it.
Funny how i actually got jokingly notified by someone ingame, about you making a post about this.

Cant find those neon pink arrows you were accusing me off? And how have i exactly modded my game? Not even a diffrent crosshair.
Doesnt matter how smart you try to come across, its clear you're  once again full of shit, and not creditable....
I disproved you, and you have no proof of others either whatsoever.  Everyone can admit to something, doesnt mean its always true.

Just play, and start behaving and take your pills. Simply because you got banned 7-8 times, does not mean you have to drag others with you. Or have to start acting like your such a good boy and wish the best for this mod, cause you dont.
Too bad i didnt made screenshots from you trying to TK me, after your horse crossed my arrow's path on accident, and you reporting me for it instantly....giving me no chance to excuse myself for the accident.
And this was 1 day after you're ban was lifted.  means you shit on your bans and the admins that warn you.. and the rules over and over. Your bans are mostly about the same incidents, yet you suggest things to change you're ways... but arent putting any effort in changing yourself.
I indulge any non biased Admin to look into this evenings logs. And spot Oberyn his poor behaviour. And from a few days back, where he went full retard once again in chat for no reason other then spite and hate speech... the usual stuff.
I believe Fin was on few days back when it happened.

Whats next? You want  players banned, that are using the newer mouses/keyboards that have macro record keys?

I have a two part suggestion for you.

1: Calm the fuck down, and play.
2: When you feel your going to rage, go do something else... since your current activity is prolly causing it.

And seriously... is it realy necessary to call me out everytime you see me playing?
« Last Edit: August 26, 2015, 11:28:16 pm by Jambi »
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2015, 01:52:31 am »
Jambi hax!! :D no hairs on char ban him :mrgreen:
@ Oberyn this game is bit old to do some pk2/pk3 file checking in serwer, but in new bannerlord or other multiplayer combat game, yea it should be some anti 3rd party program to checking sh1t, like it was with cod1/cod2/cod4 or Quake making own Uac or Vac anti cheating stuff etc and i hope in new donkey crew game :mrgreen: there should be some rule like on ClanBase or old Esl that even with player is dogdy as fuck and all Vac/Uac can't find any proof of player hacking, he should play 1 week on twitch with all recorded stuff if not perma ban (good old sql Clanbase rule)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 02:01:04 am by McKli_PL »

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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2015, 01:25:17 pm »
Jambi, if this does not apply to you, why are you even posting here? And shittalking my old friendchers isn't a bannable offense, you wilting fucking daisy. If you can't take some shittalk, go play Hello Kitty Online. Abloobloo someone said mean words to me, go fuck yourself.
I very often automatically report ranged tw, ask other Mercs or any ranged playing crpg. It was not personal, you're just a ranged bundle of sticks. If I had wanted to tk you, I would've. I always "fake attack" people or shield bump them after they tw or tk me, I couch at other cav at the start of round and stop at the last second, I thrust around other cav's heads. If you hadn't 360 jumped like a paranoid pussy as soon as I got near you you would have noticed I wasn't trying to kill you.

Anyways, the side drama is totally irrelevant, especially if Jambi isn't modifying the game files to make all weapons neon pink as he himself admitted to and posted pics of back in the day. I'm glad you reformed yourself into not being a cheating bitch Jambi. I can only hope everyone else is as upstanding and moral, but frankly I doubt it. The things I mentioned are, afaik, completely doable, always have been, and not "against the rules", even though they should be.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2015, 01:41:01 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2015, 01:43:21 pm »
There are other texture mods and such that are not cheating (higher detail etc). I personally do not see this as a big deal.

You don't see modifying the game files to provide an obvious mechanic advantage as a big deal? Well fuck, we should make autoblock scripts kosher as well. It's about as big a deal as autoblock, could even make the case some of the possible modifications provide even more of an advantage than autoblock would.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2015, 01:43:34 pm »
Jambi, if this does not apply to you, why are you even posting here? And shittalking my old friendchers isn't a bannable offense, you wilting fucking daisy. If you can't take some shittalk, go play Hello Kitty Online. Abloobloo someone said mean words to me, go fuck yourself.
I very often automatically report ranged tw, ask other Mercs or any ranged playing crpg. It was not personal, you're just a ranged bundle of sticks. If I had wanted to tk you, I would've. I always "fake attack" people or shield bump them after they tw or tk me, I couch at other cav at the start of round and stop at the last second, I thrust around other cav's heads. If you hadn't 360 jumped like a paranoid pussy as soon as I got near you you would have noticed I wasn't trying to kill you.

Anyways, the side drama is totally irrelevant, especially if Jambi isn't modifying the game files to make all weapons neon pink as he himself admitted to and posted pics of back in the day. I'm glad you reformed yourself into not being a cheating bitch Jambi. I can only hope everyone else is as upstanding and moral, but frankly I doubt it. The things I mentioned are, afaik, completely doable, always have been, and not "against the rules", even though they should be.

Ooh Oberyn, if only you had made this post prior to calling me out and talking shit to me, and accusing me of modding and neon pink shit ingame, infront of so many others.... your post might have been picked up as nothing personally or simply "Oberyn Rage". But it is now, since you choose for poor social tactics.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2015, 01:44:29 pm »
Ooh Oberyn, if only you had made this post prior to calling me out and talking shit to me, and accusing me of modding and neon pink shit ingame, infront of so many others.... your post might have been picked up as nothing personally. But it is now, since you choose for poor social tactics.

So, you've never modified the game files in such a way then?
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2015, 01:46:08 pm »
So, you've never modified the game files in such a way then?

Huge contradiction there Oberyn. Since you said your post wasnt anything personally, why make it personal now?
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2015, 01:49:12 pm »
Huge contradiction there Oberyn. Since you said your post wasnt anything personally, why make it personal now?

I didn't mention your name once in this thread. But yes, now that you're here, self-righteously claiming your goodwill and innocence, and so disapointed in being pointlessly "attacked", I had very good reasons to think that you were cheating, given that, well, you fucking admitted to it and posted pics of you doing it. It's like, if you fucked a 3 year old baby years ago, but are no longer fucking 3 year old babies, and someone accuses you of being a pedophile, maybe the accusation isn't coming out of the fucking blue.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2015, 01:53:46 pm »
Again, let me repost this. Since you seem to have a hard time, making posts without insulting or cussing others lately.

May i remind you folks about the forum rules.


Be polite, keep the cursing to a minimum; adding insults to your arguments does not make them better.

No racism, sexism, discriminatory speech, images or similar.

Some certain individuals seem to think these rules dont apply to them.
Love will tear us apart.
Also, most fucked up brain of the year award goes to jambi. Well done.


Offline Oberyn

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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2015, 01:56:46 pm »
Sanitized version for Jambi, wouldn't want to force him to retreat to his feinting couch:

I didn't mention your name once in this thread. But yes, now that you're here, self-righteously claiming your goodwill and innocence, and so disapointed in being pointlessly "attacked", I had very good reasons to think that you were cheating, given that, well, you admitted to it and posted pics of you doing it. It's like, if you made love to a 3 year old baby years ago, but are no longer making love to 3 year old babies, and someone accuses you of being a pedophile, maybe the accusation isn't coming out of the blue.
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Offline Jambi

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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2015, 01:58:29 pm »
I didn't mention your name once in this thread. But yes, now that you're here, self-righteously claiming your goodwill and innocence, and so disapointed in being pointlessly "attacked", I had very good reasons to think that you were cheating, given that, well, you fucking admitted to it and posted pics of you doing it. It's like, if you fucked a 3 year old baby years ago, but are no longer fucking 3 year old babies, and someone accuses you of being a pedophile, maybe the accusation isn't coming out of the fucking blue.

If you compare pedophiles with crpg modding, Ooh god Oberyn. Seems like having a proper discussion with you is pointless.
Just the thought of your mind.. thinking about crpg modding.. and ending up with babies and pedophiles.... seriously.
Love will tear us apart.
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Re: Modifying cRPG
« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2015, 02:01:25 pm »
If you compare pedophiles with crpg modding, Ooh god Oberyn. Seems like having a proper discussion with you is pointless.

Its called an analogy, used to highlight your "oooh I'm so OFFENDED that you dared accuse me of cheating in front of my peers, how daaare you!" hypocrisy, when you very well know you're completely capable of doing it, in fact have done it in the past, so proud of it that you had to post pics of it and encourage others to use it as well. Still not once have you admitted to it in this thread, but you don't have to, your obvious dancing around trying to avoid it is plain and clear.
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