Japan has economic ties to all it's neighboring countries, even ones like Korea and China that they have bad history and terrible current political relations with. This may be mind blowing to you but most every other country and culture on the planet manages to have ties with their neighbors without literally inviting millions of them in a misguided attempt to sacrifice their own cultural identities to...what, "modernize" a collective that obviously resents it and in no way wants to become more like us?
It's massive and ironically ethnocentric arrogance. It is a literal neo-White Man's Burden. I guess you see no problem with sacrificing hundreds, thousands of years of linked collective history on the altar of some retarded universalist pipe dream, though. The European Union is misnamed, it should be called the Eurasiafrican Union since that is apparently the endgoal. How quickly it went from "foster a collective European culture and sense of identity" to zomg that is so racist, everyone everywhere regardless of culture, ethnicity, religion or creed is the same, one world, one people, europeans are all racist we need people from everywhere, especially third world shitholes with vastly different cultures, it is our duty to show them the "modern" and "right" way. Exactly the same as mass immigration, at first the debates and arguements were all about fostering a national sense of belonging and assimilation, and now that the inertia is too great and impossible to stop it's all "salad bowl" and it's totally awesomely progressive to culturally fragment and break down these racist homogenous cultures by promoting and encouraging cultural "diversity", it's the wave of the futuuuuureeee.