Author Topic: At what age did you become you?  (Read 3627 times)

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At what age did you become you?
« on: July 28, 2015, 02:43:29 am »
Or are you you yet?

When did your opinions stop changing? Can you look at what you said three years ago and agree with it? Is Leshma2011 the same being as Leshma2015? My own theory is that people solidify their personalities around age 25 or so, and before that their behavior can change radically even within a year or two. Certainly, I cringe when reading some of my older posts, and Xant2012 isn't the same person as Xant2015.
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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2015, 03:24:14 am »
I've become aware that not all people mean good at each other at 13. Kinda late, but was oblivious to it prior to that age. At 18 started caring less about things in general, after nearly drowning. Before had that burden of not disappointing other people, but that went away with all the water I spit that evening. Glad it happened that way, I was feeling empathy all over the place and our world revealing itself to us every day, layers of sugarcoating melting away... "hardening" process would be tough for me if I was pure and naive soul to this day.

When did your opinions stop changing?

Never. My opinions and basically everything except true feelings (irrational) is purely situational. As it should be. Sticking to something despite everything changing around you every second is human trait, but doesn't really make any sense. It is like going with x being 5 no matter how many times output of formula changes. Being stubborn and sticking to your personal belief system for years is an option, but doesn't mean is the right one.

Xant2012 isn't the same person as Xant2015.

Xant2012 and Xant2015 are the same. First was into playing cRPG, second is into forum game known as trolling. You have different expectations from this, that doesn't mean your irrational soul changed.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 03:38:54 am by Leshma »


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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2015, 04:19:44 am »
At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square.
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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2015, 05:29:51 am »
I love eating chocolate chip cookies

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2015, 07:19:31 am »
Ive probably changed more than i realise but around 15 is when i kind of became me i guess. Since then then it feels like ive had a similar mindset towards everything, my opinions on things are still constantly changing though.
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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2015, 09:07:49 am »
That is a surprisingly good question from Xant  :wink:

Can't really answer that. Stumbled upon some old messages/post from myself that didn't sound like my current self at all. But I don't think I'm already myself, as I imagine I will change a lot in the future, also considering that I'm learning a lot of stuff right now, both personally and professionally.

It's actually an intriguing thought to be still developing. Keeps things interesting. I think I would be worried if I would stop and say "this is me, and will be, for the rest of my life"

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2015, 09:12:31 am »
Xant became Xant after they ripped his anus in the army, there's nothing more to it than that. Now he's trying to act like a tough internet guy around here, I wonder how he acts IRL.
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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2015, 09:50:08 am »
I feel like I've not changed a great deal in the last year or so. I'm 25.

--edit: scratch that, I have changed quite a bit. Most of it for the better.

Offline Xant

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2015, 09:51:41 am »
That is a surprisingly good question from Xant  :wink:

Can't really answer that. Stumbled upon some old messages/post from myself that didn't sound like my current self at all. But I don't think I'm already myself, as I imagine I will change a lot in the future, also considering that I'm learning a lot of stuff right now, both personally and professionally.

It's actually an intriguing thought to be still developing. Keeps things interesting. I think I would be worried if I would stop and say "this is me, and will be, for the rest of my life"
I suppose "whether your opinions are still changing" is a bit inaccurate, as those will of course keep developing over time, although perhaps not on major issues. A better way to phrase it would be "when did your world view solidify?"

That's hard to put "scientifically" as well, of course. The best measure is what you said, "didn't sound like my current self at all."

Also, in regards to me, I'm not talking about any kind of general behavior or posts, I mean specific serious posts that I've made and that give me some insight into how I thought at the time. That's one of the interesting features of forums, btw, being able to go back ten years and look what you said then. My earliest posts on the internet are from 2003 or so, although I actively try to forget.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2015, 09:57:41 am by Xant »
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2015, 11:30:35 am »
25 is truly the time around which your character starts to solidify. I am 30 now and I believe I will continue to change for a longer while. Probably there won't be a time when I will believe I have reached ultimate maturity. Looking back at 3 years ago, I really haven't changed a lot, but I am still changing. On the other hand, the most valid truth I have discovered so far is that even the personal qualities you previously thought were hardcoded in you can be changed, depending on the circumstances and your willingness to carry out that change.

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2015, 11:39:51 am »
I hope I'm not me yet, because this is pretty disappointing. But I agree with the 25 thing, definitely a point where things became clearer.

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #11 on: July 28, 2015, 01:31:14 pm »
You are you now, but I believe the older you get, the more you become you, yet you never stop changing even if it's the most tiny of changes you wouldn't notice unless you compared yourself to yourself over a 10 year period, the complete version of you is only when you are brown bread.

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #12 on: July 28, 2015, 01:42:35 pm »
You stop changing and evolving - you dead.

I respect the hermits meditating on mountain tops and probably not changing their view of the distant world too often. I have been close to that.

But usually people that are too "settled" in their minds and hide behind a fake-certainty just have not found the next step or are desperately avoiding it.

There are a few core values - but even these are challenged sometimes.

It's a game, the roleplaying rulesets are crap and can be bent, and there is no level cap.

Personally - I am deliberately remodeling and re-inventing myself and my life atm @ 47, not for the first time, and I'm quite sure it won't be the last time!

P.S.: just noticed the turbulent big changes seem to show up around every ten years or so, at least for me.
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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #13 on: July 28, 2015, 03:24:17 pm »
You stop changing and evolving - you dead.

I respect the hermits meditating on mountain tops and probably not changing their view of the distant world too often. I have been close to that.

But usually people that are too "settled" in their minds and hide behind a fake-certainty just have not found the next step or are desperately avoiding it.

There are a few core values - but even these are challenged sometimes.

It's a game, the roleplaying rulesets are crap and can be bent, and there is no level cap.

Personally - I am deliberately remodeling and re-inventing myself and my life atm @ 47, not for the first time, and I'm quite sure it won't be the last time!

P.S.: just noticed the turbulent big changes seem to show up around every ten years or so, at least for me.

I must be in the desperately avoiding it state right now then, but what im avoiding im not sure of..
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Offline Xant

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Re: At what age did you become you?
« Reply #14 on: July 28, 2015, 04:28:41 pm »
The funny part is that we tend to think of ourselves as this solid, whole thing that is a "being" and has a name and a fixed value of "I"ness, instead of a random collection of atoms doing different things, in a state of constant flux. The whole "I" idea is painted on, a psychological defense - or rather, a requirement for self-conscious beings to be able to function. So we are our own enemies when it comes to not being able to change, if you let go of your fantasies of self, anyone can change into almost anything. People stop changing when they think they've stopped changing, when their self-image becomes fixed in their minds, a mask that they stick to because it's familiar and comfortable.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.