Author Topic: Black Bird's NA Invasion  (Read 157029 times)

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1515 on: August 21, 2015, 03:57:50 pm »
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Hypocrite)

Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not actually hold. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of "hypocrisy" in Rambler No. 14: acutely means you say don't do that when you are doing it yourself.

Recent studies in psychology have identified the evolutionary bases and the mental mechanisms of hypocrisy, tracing its roots to adaptations that serve contradictory functions in the human brain, and to cognitive biases and distortions that predispose humans to readily perceive and condemn faults in others, while failing to perceive and condemn faults of their own.

Evolutionary bases

Power magnifies these effects. People in power are more likely to commit infidelity[5] and to condemn immorality.[6]

Hypocrisy has long been of interest to psychologists. Pioneer C. G. Jung attributed it to those who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their nature.[7] Recent studies have focused on mental characteristics and mechanisms to better understand hypocrisy.

Preference for the effortless[edit]
Niccolò Machiavelli noted that "the mass of mankind accept what seems as what is; nay, are often touched more nearly by appearances than by realities".[8] Natural selection works by the principle of survival of the fittest, and several researchers have shown that humans evolved to play the game of life in a Machiavellian way.[9] The best way to cultivate a reputation for fairness is to really be fair. But since it is much harder to be fair than to seem fair, and since laziness is built deep into human nature,[10] humans more often choose appearance over reality.[11]

"So convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."[12] Benjamin Franklin's observation has been confirmed by recent studies in self-deception.[13] In everyday reasoning, humans do little to get real evidence when taking positions or making decisions, and do even less to get evidence for opposing positions. Instead, they tend to fabricate "pseudo-evidence"[14] – often after the decision had already been made (“post hoc fabrication”).[15]

Moreover, humans tend to think highly of themselves, highlighting strengths and achievements, and overlooking weakness and failures (the “self-serving bias”). This is particularly true of Canadians: when asked to rate themselves on virtues, skills, or other desirable traits (including ethics, intelligence, driving ability, and sexual skills), a large majority say they are above average.[18] Power and privilege magnify the distortion: 94% of college professors think that they do above average work.[19] This effect is weaker in Asian countries and in other cultures which value the group more highly than the self.[20]

Robert Wright wrote that "Human beings are a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the misuse."[21] Humans are very good at challenging the beliefs of other people, but when it comes to their own beliefs, they tend to protect them, not challenge them.[22] A consistent finding of psychological research is that humans are fairly accurate in their perceptions of others, but generally inaccurate in their perceptions of themselves.[23] Humans tend to judge others by their behavior, but think they have special information about themselves – that they know what they are "really like" inside – and thus effortlessly find ways to explain away selfish acts, and maintain the illusion that they are better than others.[24]

The myth of pure evil[edit]
This distortion – hypocrisy in its most destructive form – is characterized by the belief that (1) evil is the intentional and gratuitous infliction of harm for its own sake, (2) perpetrated by villains who are malevolent to the core, (3) inflicted on victims who are innocent and good.[25] Psychologists call this a myth because believing in this fiction often blinds one to the reality that evil is in fact perpetrated mainly by ordinary people, who respond to perceived harms, including “provocations” by their victims, in ways they feel are reasonable and just.[26] Evil is not rare – it is commonplace, banal.[27] And all humans are capable of evil acts. Psychologists like Jonathan Haidt and Steven Pinker maintain that most if not all the major atrocities in human history were carried out by ordinary people who believed that they were good, that they were innocent victims – that they had God on their side – and that their enemies were pure evil.[28]

See also[edit]
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 04:01:00 pm by Keshian_ »

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1516 on: August 21, 2015, 03:59:12 pm »
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This is North America for those of you who don't know. Last I checked Canada was part of NA and the majority of people in Acre were Americans. From what I've read these eurocucks seem to say is that HCE does not equal all of NA,well obviously, HCe isnt every member of NA, but saying it is a NA invasion is not wrong because Eques is invading North American strategus. In real life people usually say what specific country and a specific region as possible so as to not lead to confusion, but saying the continent is not incorrect. I can't speak for any other country but here in America, I don't need a reason to do anything. I don't need a reason to play video games for every single hour of my free time, or buy more guns than I should. Our constitution is there to guarantee rights given to us by God, not to restrict us. I don't need a reason to insult you cucklords, or fight against you in a worthless video game. I can do as a please as long as I dont interfere with your God-given rights. So fuck you plumbo, fuck you voncrow, and fuck you lotr bundle of stickss (make your own rp) and you can't tell me what propaganda I can or cannot use because fuck you I DO WAT I WANT.
Well here in Europe we don't need any "God" to tell us what rights we should and should not have... Seems kinda silly to me
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1517 on: August 21, 2015, 04:13:02 pm »
im a piece of shit obviously since i spend all my time playing video games, i will admit that, but so are you
Okay, I need your protection, your love. :P

Offline bruttus

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1518 on: August 21, 2015, 04:46:51 pm »
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  (Redirected from Hypocrite)

Hypocrisy is the claim or pretense of holding beliefs, feelings, standards, qualities, opinions, behaviors, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that one does not actually hold. Hypocrisy is not simply failing to practice those virtues that one preaches. Samuel Johnson made this point when he wrote about the misuse of the charge of "hypocrisy" in Rambler No. 14: acutely means you say don't do that when you are doing it yourself.

Recent studies in psychology have identified the evolutionary bases and the mental mechanisms of hypocrisy, tracing its roots to adaptations that serve contradictory functions in the human brain, and to cognitive biases and distortions that predispose humans to readily perceive and condemn faults in others, while failing to perceive and condemn faults of their own.

Evolutionary bases

Power magnifies these effects. People in power are more likely to commit infidelity[5] and to condemn immorality.[6]

Hypocrisy has long been of interest to psychologists. Pioneer C. G. Jung attributed it to those who are not aware of the dark or shadow-side of their nature.[7] Recent studies have focused on mental characteristics and mechanisms to better understand hypocrisy.

Preference for the effortless[edit]
Niccolò Machiavelli noted that "the mass of mankind accept what seems as what is; nay, are often touched more nearly by appearances than by realities".[8] Natural selection works by the principle of survival of the fittest, and several researchers have shown that humans evolved to play the game of life in a Machiavellian way.[9] The best way to cultivate a reputation for fairness is to really be fair. But since it is much harder to be fair than to seem fair, and since laziness is built deep into human nature,[10] humans more often choose appearance over reality.[11]

"So convenient a thing is it to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do."[12] Benjamin Franklin's observation has been confirmed by recent studies in self-deception.[13] In everyday reasoning, humans do little to get real evidence when taking positions or making decisions, and do even less to get evidence for opposing positions. Instead, they tend to fabricate "pseudo-evidence"[14] – often after the decision had already been made (“post hoc fabrication”).[15]

Moreover, humans tend to think highly of themselves, highlighting strengths and achievements, and overlooking weakness and failures (the “self-serving bias”). This is particularly true of Canadians: when asked to rate themselves on virtues, skills, or other desirable traits (including ethics, intelligence, driving ability, and sexual skills), a large majority say they are above average.[18] Power and privilege magnify the distortion: 94% of college professors think that they do above average work.[19] This effect is weaker in Asian countries and in other cultures which value the group more highly than the self.[20]

Robert Wright wrote that "Human beings are a species splendid in their array of moral equipment, tragic in their propensity to misuse it, and pathetic in their constitutional ignorance of the misuse."[21] Humans are very good at challenging the beliefs of other people, but when it comes to their own beliefs, they tend to protect them, not challenge them.[22] A consistent finding of psychological research is that humans are fairly accurate in their perceptions of others, but generally inaccurate in their perceptions of themselves.[23] Humans tend to judge others by their behavior, but think they have special information about themselves – that they know what they are "really like" inside – and thus effortlessly find ways to explain away selfish acts, and maintain the illusion that they are better than others.[24]

The myth of pure evil[edit]
This distortion – hypocrisy in its most destructive form – is characterized by the belief that (1) evil is the intentional and gratuitous infliction of harm for its own sake, (2) perpetrated by villains who are malevolent to the core, (3) inflicted on victims who are innocent and good.[25] Psychologists call this a myth because believing in this fiction often blinds one to the reality that evil is in fact perpetrated mainly by ordinary people, who respond to perceived harms, including “provocations” by their victims, in ways they feel are reasonable and just.[26] Evil is not rare – it is commonplace, banal.[27] And all humans are capable of evil acts. Psychologists like Jonathan Haidt and Steven Pinker maintain that most if not all the major atrocities in human history were carried out by ordinary people who believed that they were good, that they were innocent victims – that they had God on their side – and that their enemies were pure evil.[28]

See also[edit]

Ow, look mine name is on it
But talking about hypocrisy, I think you should watch yourself in to a mirror.

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1519 on: August 21, 2015, 05:27:23 pm »
Hey Plumtard ive said North America in a nice chunk of my post. Honestly there are middle schoolers with x5 your mental capacity.

When you can't win an argument just insult the other side, good job in having the mentality of a grade schooler.

Also Bruttus, the main reason we think you're an idiot is because we can't understand your broken English and I assume you fail to understand us as well. But keep going because it's entertaining to watch you life this way.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 06:36:19 pm by Voncrow »
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Offline bruttus

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1520 on: August 21, 2015, 06:00:00 pm »
Well Voncrow, I don't mind to have some critisme on mine English, especially its not mine native language.
But this moron, that you like to think, speaks and writes 2 languages fluent
I speak and understand a 3th language, but can't write it
English is not mine native, but I speak it good enough, writting is something else.
And now i'm learning a fifth language, so I can talk with family of mine GF

And now I'm gonna see if I can talk some1 about racisme, becouse I feel insulted by mine origin by you.

Offline StonedSteel

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1521 on: August 21, 2015, 06:18:38 pm »
Hey Plumtard ive said North America in a nice chunk of my post. Honestly there are middle schoolers with x5 your mental capacity.

Are you one of them?

Is something i said about James \ Brygg inaccurate?

Sorry i missed you post where you said north america, have you made many posts like that?
tell you what, add up all the times you said North America, and ill add up all the times you lads said Murica or USA...

you deny RPing americans?

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1522 on: August 21, 2015, 06:25:20 pm »
I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm saying your English is flawed and makes you sound stupid. It's like we're having different conversations which is a huge problem.

EDIT: I take back what I said, I have enough errors and probably shouldn't judge, but what I said was intended to be more informative than insulting to you Bruttus.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2015, 06:37:10 pm by Voncrow »
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1523 on: August 21, 2015, 06:42:24 pm »
Btw did u guys maybe ever think about all the other canadians who do NOT want to be usa's bitch? Haven't ever seen james writing about canada or na in any of his posts... It's allways like this is murrica and we fight for things we expect to be good and everyone else -who does actually not fight for them - is a dumb retard we have to tell what to do. And be like "insult them when they don't accept what we say. They will think we strong when we do that!!"

Offline StonedSteel

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1524 on: August 21, 2015, 06:50:41 pm »
(click to show/hide)
This is North America for those of you who don't know. Last I checked Canada was part of NA and the majority of people in Acre were Americans. From what I've read these eurocucks seem to say is that HCE does not equal all of NA,well obviously, HCe isnt every member of NA, but saying it is a NA invasion is not wrong because Eques is invading North American strategus. In real life people usually say what specific country and a specific region as possible so as to not lead to confusion, but saying the continent is not incorrect. I can't speak for any other country but here in America, I don't need a reason to do anything. I don't need a reason to play video games for every single hour of my free time, or buy more guns than I should. Our constitution is there to guarantee rights given to us by God, not to restrict us. I don't need a reason to insult you cucklords, or fight against you in a worthless video game. I can do as a please as long as I dont interfere with your God-given rights. So fuck you plumbo, fuck you voncrow, and fuck you lotr bundle of stickss (make your own rp) and you can't tell me what propaganda I can or cannot use because fuck you I DO WAT I WANT.

"let me ask you something, where do rights come from? and people say, well they come from God...aww fuck, here we go again. The God excuse, the last refuge of a man with no answers and no argument." George Carlin.

no cup

fuck you m8 ..ya?

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1525 on: August 21, 2015, 06:52:13 pm »
Btw did u guys maybe ever think about all the other canadians who do NOT want to be usa's bitch? Haven't ever seen james writing about canada or na in any of his posts... It's allways like this is murrica and we fight for things we expect to be good and everyone else -who does actually not fight for them - is a dumb retard we have to tell what to do. And be like "insult them when they don't accept what we say. They will think we strong when we do that!!"

well fucking said lad.

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1526 on: August 21, 2015, 07:50:52 pm »
Once again don't listen to the propaganda coming from the EU invaders or the NA traitors fighting for them.

Good fight tonight at Yruma lets sign up and show these bastards whats what!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4777

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1527 on: August 21, 2015, 08:25:03 pm »
I'm not saying you are stupid, I'm saying your English is flawed and makes you sound stupid. It's like we're having different conversations which is a huge problem.

EDIT: I take back what I said, I have enough errors and probably shouldn't judge, but what I said was intended to be more informative than insulting to you Bruttus.

I accept your apology.
It is not about criticism , but how you put it , and it felt like an insult.

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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1528 on: August 21, 2015, 08:43:02 pm »
I've unapologetically RP'd as American because I'm a fucking American. So fuck you guys, America rocks and you EU my old friends can suck my nuts
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Re: EU Invasion #2015
« Reply #1529 on: August 21, 2015, 08:56:30 pm »
Once again don't listen to the propaganda coming from the EU invaders or the NA traitors fighting for them.

Good fight tonight at Yruma lets sign up and show these bastards whats what!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4777

Top 15 mercs in kills get 50k crpg gold!

Im sorry, but this is not the place to ask for mercs.