Please bring back old maps is the most useless type of feedback you can give, old maps have usually been removed for a reason, often by me personally, you need to be specific.
Do you mean Ice Age? This map has blue snow and buildings sunk into the floor and boats crossing some sort of moat.
Fake npc and donkeys is probably chadz in the desert, looks absolutely terrible, added for removal
Yeah unfortunately I don't know any map names but Arena lol.
How about that map with the partialy open draw bridge you could jump over and the 2 small bridges either side of it.
And then there is a map that has shallow pond with a walking bridge in center.This was all in a courtyard that was centered of buildings some of which could be climbed.
Edit : derp I should of looked at all the maps you put up for vote before replying as this map is "Trouble in the neighborhood" +1
How about that map both teams spawn in the same spot on some rolling hills?
Edit nvm lol it is "Chasm" +1
And yes those are the two maps I had in mind thank you.