I had some friends over around the time of my birthday, and a couple of them tried to convince me to use my birthday money to get this game called Warband. Not being much of a gamer, I shrugged them off saying that there have been no good medieval action games yet, so I doubt this could be as good as they said. However, the way they described the controls did intrigue me, so eventually I downloaded the demo from steam. The demo was pretty lackluster, and all I remembered from it was riding around on a horse lancing targets. I remembered that the horse controls sucked and it all felt very awkward. Well, they ended up buying it for me as a belated birthday present since I was so stubborn in early 2011 or so, and since they both played crpg, that's where I got my start (never played native multiplayer until sometime last year).
I played siege for mostly all of my first gen, and very rarely wandered into DTVillage only to get raped by spamming peasants or bandits and then just hide in the ruins while everyone else made a shieldwall and used massive 2handers to slaughter weaboos and such. Good times. I played up until level 30 using a longsword with a shitty build of 18-17 (converting points is an advanced feature, okay?). Since it took me months to get to level 30, I decided to retire and then use the newly-implemented stf feature (or at least newly-discovered) so I could be back at level 30, with the build I actually wanted, 12-27 (and of course the respec feature was added a short time after this, QQ). Needless to say being a straight up agi whore when I could rarely block more than 1 swing led to very quick deaths in NA2, but my reasoning of "well if I run faster, at least I can get back to the action sooner" seemed flawless at the time. Only after I took a several-month-long break, and created my first alt, a str-and-plate-crutching danish greatsword user, did I really learn how to block. I spent at least 95% of three gens on my alt solely in DTV, and once I emerged I was surprised to find that I no longer sucked, and could do fairly well in siege for a change. During my exile in DTV, Finnian Tiercel of HoC recruited me and thus in the fall of 2012 I joined them and dragged one of my friends who got me into crpg with me. This was our first experience being involved with a clan, and strat, and as a result we both started playing a lot more. Then my buddy REDGAR's laptop died, and he hasn't been seen on crpg since (RIP in peace). I've been active on-and-off ever since, and the rest is history.