I keep trying to roll into the back and that never seems to work towards backstab and from what I tried until now, sidestepping seems to be too slow for me. Enemies keep turning fast enough to only ever present their side to me. But maybe I am doing it wrong due to the experience lack.
But making it past the 'fire' on the wall, collecting my first new weapon from that chest, it makes me wonder...
...damage dealt scales the difficulty down by a good margin instantly.
Level 14 Warrior now and I tried myself on the Katana kid near the shrine... nope... not gonna work yet for me...
Overall, my luck in finding equipment seems to be bad really. Considering the amount of weapons in the game, I feel kinda disappointed to only have found 1 yet.
Granted, it boosted me progression rate rather significantly and my confidence accordingly, but I want more cool shit to wear and wield...