Author Topic: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper  (Read 980 times)

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Offline Thalion_Menelvagor

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Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:28:03 pm »

Truly low and base-born, is he who steals as a thief in the night what could have been received as a gift.

Mithrim hereby revokes all lands and titles held by Radsvid the Lightbringer, and declares the former castellion of Grunwalder castle an outlaw within the realm. Those associated with Radsvid shall also forfeit their fiefs and may seek pardon or reinstatement depending upon their role in future negotiations.

The territories of Nova Grunwalder Castle and the villages of Serindiar, Saramish, Emer and Chaeza will immediately be returned to Mithrim or will be reclaimed militarily.

Let it be known throughout the land, that any landless lords, or nobles of small estates may join in any ensuing military operations. Whatever fiefs they take, they shall keep and be rightfully theirs.  The larger nations of the Chadizian Empire  and Arch Oligarc Duchy are excluded from this agreement as they already have sufficient territories as befit great houses of the realm.

Lord Finnian Tiercel
Viceroy Thalion

« Last Edit: June 03, 2015, 11:40:19 pm by Thalion_Menelvagor »
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Offline Doom_Carrot

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2015, 11:43:28 pm »
And so the war begins.
It was fun while it lasted.

Offline Built

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2015, 11:57:45 pm »
Radsvid climbed up on top of wall of Grunwalder, a scroll in hand and Eirik in toe. A crowd of people, Men, Women and Children, Soldiers and Servants. "Novgorodians!" He bellowed, in that same voice that once

shook the mountains around Sungetche, "Today I bear news that is both covered in sadness and joy." He shifts so that the people below may see him better "On this day, the Kingdom of Mithrim, in their

aggressive tendencies that we have seen since the eldest days, have decided that war is the only option and that their fiefs must be reclaimed under skill of arms." The crowd quiets for a moment, as Radsvid

makes his position on the wall even more perilous, drawing a hammer from the nearby reconstruction, "Then so be it! Let them come and take these lands if they dare, let our rightful claim as the people of

Novgorod be tested and earned in blood, let the hammers ring day in night from the smithies and let any man, woman, or child who longs for freedom stand firm with me till the very end!" Radsvid steps down

from the wall and joins the crowd as they cheer "Freedom, down with Tyranny, down with kings!" The crowd parades through the town and almost out the gates before all returning to their homes in celebration

and preparation.
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Also, James, you were legitimately mad at a rhyming dwarf on the internet.

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2015, 03:28:03 am »
And so the war begins.

This guy keeps speaking my mind!

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2015, 05:09:23 am »
Come to the great city of Curaw for all your war needs, We may be in the empire, but we are still merchants at heart

Offline Lethwin Far Seeker

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2015, 05:39:04 am »
Peace Negotiations Between Mithrim and Novgorod Republic

Despite Thalion's antagonistic stance towards the newly proclaimed Republic of Novgorod, the Lord Viceroy's diplomatic nature has prevented the imminent war to reclaim the fiefs taken by Novgorod.
The terms that have been recently agreed upon are as follows:

The fiefs of (New/Nova) Grunwalder Castle, Serindar, and Saramish shall be relinquished by the Republic and their ownership be given unto the chieftans of the Berserks in accordance to the intentions of Mithrim.
Additionally a sum of 500,000 silver shall be given by the Rebublic of Novgorod to the Kingdom of Mithrim.
When these conditions have been met, Mithrim will relinquish claim on the villages of New Chaeza and New Emir and recognize them as rightful fiefs of the Novgorod Republic.
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Offline Balikar

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2015, 06:31:08 am »
Peace Negotiations Between Mithrim and Novgorod Republic

Despite Thalion's antagonistic stance towards the newly proclaimed Republic of Novgorod, the Lord Viceroy's diplomatic nature has prevented the imminent war to reclaim the fiefs taken by Novgorod.
The terms that have been recently agreed upon are as follows:

The fiefs of (New/Nova) Grunwalder Castle, Serindar, and Saramish shall be relinquished by the Republic and their ownership be given unto the chieftans of the Berserks in accordance to the intentions of Mithrim.
Additionally a sum of 500,000 silver shall be given by the Rebublic of Novgorod to the Kingdom of Mithrim.
When these conditions have been met, Mithrim will relinquish claim on the villages of New Chaeza and New Emir and recognize them as rightful fiefs of the Novgorod Republic.

"Interesting..."  Moonshine thought.  "I wonder if there will be an order of protection for the Berserks as well, and if not, how long before the chadzian horde marches upon those..."

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Re: Official Diplomatic Response to the Radsvid the Usurper
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2015, 09:59:10 pm »
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"God damn it you slack jawed idiots, you don't swing the Ashwood like a halberd!" Sharpe yells at the green company.  These recruits are completely inept, oh look, Jenkins is using the wrong end of the pike to stab. I mean its not that hard, pointy end plus thrust equals death. "Smith, the arrows are not throwable daggers you need that longbow in order to use them"......Moron.

Two men entered the training grounds, one was Sharpe's personal servant, while the other was Radsvid's messenger, Putin Ivanovich. "Sir Sharpe, Sir?" the messenger asks "Speak freely, Jeffries" replies Sharpe "May I pres........" Putin cuts Jeffries off and yells "A peace agreement has been made, it is written right here on this piece of ivory colored paper." "Stop describing the damn paper and hand it over" Putin gets down off of his donkey and hands the paper to Sharpe.

Sharpe reads the paper and scoffs lightly. The High Lord Warden seems to forget that it takes two parties in order to have diplomatic talks, probably a side effect of sitting idly in Ismirala having one sided conversations with the stone walls and a half finished piece of lambas. It was not solely the actions of one man that prevented the war, but the actions of three men, and one slightly irritable elf. I mean Novgorod Republic was the ones to come up with the terms of the agreement, but it's best to forget that. Sharpe looks back at Putin, who is hard expecting to be stabbed in the shoulder again, and says "What the hell am I gonna do with all these troops?"
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