Author Topic: GoT=/=ASOIAF  (Read 13203 times)

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Offline Asheram

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« Reply #15 on: May 11, 2015, 09:35:19 pm »
I don't get the Daenerys hype train at all. Her decisions are childish and based on how she feels at the time and she just comes off as a petulant little child 90% of the time, yet people act as if she's a great ruler or something.
I kind actually liked her in the books, not so in the show, seems they made her more like you said in the show.
And what's up with the writers trying to blend Jon Conningtons char with Jorah Mormont? Tyrion traveled with both, and it wouldn't have bothered me if they just cut out the trip with Connington and the Targarean boy but they are mashing up the 2. Mormont didn't get greyscale from saving tyrion Connington did.
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« Reply #16 on: May 11, 2015, 09:41:25 pm »

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« Reply #17 on: May 11, 2015, 09:54:49 pm »
Mormont didn't get greyscale from saving tyrion Connington did.

One example for why I'm afraid of the moment when show overtakesthe books: Getting spoilered. I am now wondering if Mormont will get greyscale in the books later on, too, or if he will even die. Same for Barristan Selmy. I'm not a fan of these two, but a spoiler is still a spoiler...
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« Reply #18 on: May 11, 2015, 10:32:30 pm »
My main gripe with the show taking a separate route to the same ending is that they are trimming out all of the unnecessary fluff, awesome characters included. Any character being completely left out of the show basically means that their overall impact on the books' plot is minimal, if not entirely nonexistent. I.e. Lady Stoneheart... we don't know exactly what will become of her in the books, but we can now guess that it all amounts to nothing, otherwise she would have made an appearance in the show (unless for some reason they are keeping her a secret for the future... for some reason or another). I'm really pissed about how Barristan ended up dying in some back alley street fight to a bunch of peasants in the show now, and yet in the books I was really hoping he might make the journey back to westeros and die in some epic manner, or re-assume his role as captain of the kingsguard (queensguard?) in kings landing once more, coming full circle. He was one of my favorite supporting characters, and now the show basically tells me that he doesn't matter at all.  :?
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Offline LordBerenger

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« Reply #19 on: May 11, 2015, 11:24:21 pm »
If you mean Melisandre... damn I just got a theory.

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Offline Xant

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« Reply #20 on: May 12, 2015, 12:19:54 am »

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I took it to mean Aemon was talking about himself...
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline LordBerenger

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« Reply #21 on: May 12, 2015, 01:25:17 am »
I took it to mean Aemon was talking about himself...

Well duh and of Dany the blonde slut bitch as well but the moment he said it Jon Snow popped up. Right after he said it. Not a coincidence.
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Offline njames89

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« Reply #22 on: May 12, 2015, 01:34:19 am »
Agree with you Asheram 100%. Definitely a more confident and bold leader in the books.

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« Reply #23 on: May 12, 2015, 01:40:54 am »
My main contention is that they completely forgot about the Iron Islands all together in the TV show...
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« Reply #24 on: May 12, 2015, 02:08:21 am »
My main gripe with the show taking a separate route to the same ending is that they are trimming out all of the unnecessary fluff, awesome characters included. Any character being completely left out of the show basically means that their overall impact on the books' plot is minimal, if not entirely nonexistent. I.e. Lady Stoneheart... we don't know exactly what will become of her in the books, but we can now guess that it all amounts to nothing, otherwise she would have made an appearance in the show (unless for some reason they are keeping her a secret for the future... for some reason or another). I'm really pissed about how Barristan ended up dying in some back alley street fight to a bunch of peasants in the show now, and yet in the books I was really hoping he might make the journey back to westeros and die in some epic manner, or re-assume his role as captain of the kingsguard (queensguard?) in kings landing once more, coming full circle. He was one of my favorite supporting characters, and now the show basically tells me that he doesn't matter at all.  :?

Yeah, that's something that annoyed me as well. Barristan is even a pov char in the next book that hasn't come out yet, yet he's already killed off in the show. Maybe the actor had other engagements, or couldn't play the part anymore, and they thought recasting wouldn't work. Or maybe they really are just trimming the fat, cutting out secondary characters to focus more on the main ones. It's almost certain he won't die fighting some random shmucks with daggers in the book though.
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Offline Asheram

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« Reply #25 on: May 12, 2015, 03:34:33 am »
Yeah, that's something that annoyed me as well. Barristan is even a pov char in the next book that hasn't come out yet, yet he's already killed off in the show. Maybe the actor had other engagements, or couldn't play the part anymore, and they thought recasting wouldn't work. Or maybe they really are just trimming the fat, cutting out secondary characters to focus more on the main ones. It's almost certain he won't die fighting some random shmucks with daggers in the book though.
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If it was a thing about recasting they should just went and did it, they had already recast Dharrio Naharis, who isn't the same actor that she met him 1st as.

My main contention is that they completely forgot about the Iron Islands all together in the TV show...
I know right?! :mad:
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« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2015, 04:05:46 am »
If it was a thing about recasting they should just went and did it, they had already recast Dharrio Naharis, who isn't the same actor that she met him 1st as.

the actor wanted to stay, he said in an interview he even apealed to the show runners to keep him alive. i think they just want to remind everyone that there edgy and they go there. nobodys safe
or maybe there trying to cut the casting costs because there gonna be needing more and more for the cgi budget as we move towards the endgame. either way it was a shitty way for a legend to die

Offline LordBerenger

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« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2015, 05:26:46 am »
If they killed off that Targaryen dumb blonde bitch they would save some time for the show so they could bring in some of these missing story arcs and characters. Mount her head on a spike in Kings Landing and cut off her tits and send it to the male fanboys who just fanboy cuz of her tits and dragons.
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« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2015, 08:33:26 am »
I disagree. I still enjoy the show to a point, but I think the books are much better in many ways.

As for the final judgement if the books have to many parallel plots that lead nowhere I will wait till (if ever :P) all books are out. Maybe he will fuck it up, maybe he won't. And if he doesn't I like it very much to have much stories/characters/material which don't fit in 'neatly' in narrative and aren't narrowed down on pushing the main plot forward, but add much to the deeper understanding why things are happening as they do.
Also the many less important characters and their story-arcs add a rarely seen level of realism to the whole story. It doesn't feel like in many novels that the whole world is build around the main characters to serve their narrative. Each unimportant side-character has it's own right to exist with it's own motives. With all your talk about a tight, neat, not meandering and flawless plot in my eyes you forget that this is exactly what is so special about the books and made them so good in the first place.

As for the things I don't like about the show: It is too perfect, too beautiful. Even when there is brutality or something grim, it looks and has a feeling of persil-washed beauty to it. I could imagine a far more gritty version (I don't mean violence or brutality, just less beauty and more rough edges). Closely connected to this overall feeling I don't like the music score at all, trying too hard to be epic most of the time for my taste. Then there are those kitchy love stories they've build in, like most recently  missandei and grey worm, or way before rob and his despicable exotic almond eyes nurse (yeah, she got nice ass, duh). gah, I could puke thinking of that.

What I do like are many good actors, many of them doing a great job of nailing the book characters and going beyond that. Brienne, The Hound, of course Tyrion, Tywin, Robert, Eddard, his sword training guy, Davos and Barristan come immediately into mind. Sadly Daenerys has become really horrible. First I thought she was a great choice but now her stern troubled looks she does in every fucking scene give me run.
I also do like some of the blends/merges/cuttings they did and know they had to do most for a TV show. Still with a few exceptions the strong scenes are directly from the books or only in a different setting.

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« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2015, 09:11:43 am »
There's no useless Jeyne Westerling so it makes sense they'd make that decision to marry them instead.
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Especially with most likely
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They skipped the wanna-be Stark girl from the books, Reek still gonna rescue a Lady Stark tho... Just you wait.
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