Hear Hear!
I just want to point one flaw out in your confrontational argumentation style, Oberyn. It is not suited for internet forums such as this. The level of proficiency and terminology you apply here can easily, and wrongly, be generalized to "xenophobia, racism, misogynism etc. etc. etc." by the average forum visitor.
With that said... I find it hard to disagree with any of your statements that I've read the last year or so.
The "loud reactionary" part I agree with, and I put myself in the same camp, perhaps not the "loud" subcategory ;)
In this case however i choose to interpret the reactionary part as wanting to go back to the enlightenment values, where we as a society accept or reject people based on their expressed ideas/beliefs we do not tolerate everyone unconditionally. Before anyone misunderstands me completely, the focus should be on "ACCEPTANCE" and "NOT UNCONDITIONALLY" not on "reject people based on their expressed ideas/beliefs".
IMO: This is not only Unacceptable in Norway, It's Un-TOLERABLE even criminal! <---Can anyone argue the case that this is a good example of "enriching western societies?"
We, as in liberal-minded people, are currently poisoned by relativism, turn the other cheek syndrome, Carrots and no sticks and all those modern self-delusional cultural redemption attitudes.
"We are the victims of our governments actions that makes us complicit in their actions. Anyone that has been wronged by us has the right to special treatment because they are victims. now look at me: am I not a good person for making myself a martyr for "justice and goodness"
This is going full retard and giving special treatment beyond what's reasonable, undermining the very values you want to stand for.
To all you extreme right-wingers out there who might want to claim this statement as reinforcing their point of view: This is a war of ideas. That means we stand and fall with our arguments and adopt those ideas that we were "defeated"(educated) by, so if you want to react violently go watch a football game and bash each other's brains out with the mantra: "My team best! You no good, I hit you for believing the same thing about your team as I believe about mine!"
In true rhetorical style I can't end on a complete downer: Counter extremism and "real" moderation by muslims for muslims