Author Topic: Where'd cRPG Go?  (Read 5888 times)

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2015, 06:17:54 am »
Was just playing Native team death match and damn I felt like I was playing COD or BF but without a gun only knife.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2015, 10:21:22 am »

i know i know...lemme guess "post pics for proof or get the fuck out"

that would be quite the long list...

so ill give a few, a pic for every patch era.

Man you really wanted to give yourself an excuse to post those screens lmao.  What, were we supposed to be impressed by your cherrypicked MLG progamer screenshots of siege (13 players l0l), conquest, and strat?  And think that your opinions are more valid for it?  Also, no pics from proximity-xp era 8-).  For real though, you're not that good and your opinions don't hold any special weight. 

« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 01:31:51 pm by Kaoklai »
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2015, 10:39:13 am »
its bad enough your fanboyism destroys the mod ( with every legitimate criticism being countered by "get gud\ur bad\learn to play" instead of valid arguments ) your also one of the biggest dumb asses in the mod, and ive said some stupid shit on these forum, not one of them was even close to this "I can tell just from the way your posts are formed that you are probably in the below average tier", what kind of moron thinks this way? you can tell how good a player is...from his posts? thats the most dumbest shit ive heard in a while.

funny thing is, i remember you posting your kd a while was like 2.4 or some shit. hahaha, gravoth you fucking retard, i prob have a better kd than you, shit ive been a 3+ kd player on multiple builds for nearly as long as ive been here...and ive been bitching about the tydeus patches everytime they come out...and yes i still top the board no matter what patch ruins the game further.

gravoth, agi has ruined this mod for na, period. high agi and high levels allowing for even higher agi, make the combat feel wonky and broken, period. gravoth...ur a dumb kid, period.

but eh, i dont make assumptions like you, you really are an idiot! and the things i say...are actually true.

i know i know...lemme guess "post pics for proof or get the fuck out"

that would be quite the long list...

so ill give a few, a pic for every patch era.

now lets see yours gravoth?

You still havent made any arguements for why agi is overpowered. It making combat feel wonky and broken really doesnt say anything, that could be entirely subjective.

Okay, i guess i wasnt completely right on the assumptions, allthough i have no clue over how long of a period those screens are taken, everyone does eventually get a good game on, this might just be a collection of those lucky rounds. They are all taken on siege, which is scrubtown and i see you rocking the plates on pretty much every screenshot, probably combined with str heavy build (this would explain the agi qq, its all coming together) it really isnt that hard to get a couple of good rounds. Especially going by NA standards, half the people seem to play peasants there...

Unfortunately i dont gather screenshots, allthough i wish i did at times. A couple of good screens doesnt say much of how you do in the long run, i just follow my k/d on the website when ive played a character for a week or so.

also ""I can tell just from the way your posts are formed that you are probably in the below average tier", what kind of moron thinks this way? you can tell how good a player is...from his posts? thats the most dumbest shit ive heard in a while."
you'd be surprised how often this actually stands true. Also you are calling me dumb again, its very rude.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2015, 10:53:37 am »
Gravoth, don't mind the scrub
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2015, 12:04:03 pm »
I'm starting to notice that people who overdo with smoking weed have something similar in their posts.
StonedSteel and RasFrenzy being the perfect examples - lots of "..." and no sign of logic anywhere in their posts.

Grow up already, kids, and switch to the shrooms instead)))

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2015, 01:45:48 pm »
Oh shit, that's the worst insult an elitist cRPG player can use.

Everyone who's 'below average tier' quit the thread now, our superior has arrived.

A lot of room is needed where fat neckbeard elitists tread. Roll the mcdonalds carpet, here i come.

Also it wasnt meant as an insult as much as saying that he should learn how to fight things before crying about nerfing, as douchey as it sounds, i couldnt formulate it better.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2015, 02:47:19 pm »
welp, basically miley, and i cant speak for everyone, just the NA lads i talked to about leaving, combat feels broken compared to what it used to be, my friends like the kutt folk all go on about lag and wonky swings, most likely a cause of everyone being a higher level and moving faster then the warband engine ever anticipated multi player allowing, and i agree. ( there is also the allers incident, FCC\strat dead )

but mostly, its the community itself, its just destined not to last. and i cant speak about EU, cuz i dont know enough of em well enough, and EU is alive anyway. But NA? pretty much everyone that made the community great, has already left, tired of playing a war game with people who dont like war. ( rip strat ) NA is more of a mmo community, and i enjoy mmo's for the most part, but they do seem to attract a certain kind of player, as crpg does.

this one though, ive never seen or played or been part of a mmo community so obsessed with autism.

The mod was a funny joke before, now, its just a bad joke, and its always been a jealous ego fueled TOXIC community...its just now, everyone that made these things bearable, have done the wise thing and left already.

It was a, uhh, interesting 2 yrs. but the most part, everything people told me about crpg and all the ways they warned me not to come here, pretty much spot on. and with pretty much all the bros leaving or having left already, i dont really have any interest in playing anymore either.

and so another player goes, and i wont be replaced by anyone, new players dont last in crpg, i honestly think any new player that lasts even 6 months in the hell that is crpg, deserves some kind of medal. crpg was \ is \ will always be, alot of bullshit to put up with. the bullshits just not worth the time anymore, and so we all leave.

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2015, 03:00:23 pm »
new players dont last in crpg
Hey, it just so happens i was helping a new player last night, on EU_1, i am training him to rule the world one day. since he was below lvl 30 and hated it i redirected him towards EU_DTV where there is a solid population on the daily and XP and gold is very very good and the server is a very very vänlig.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2015, 03:22:56 pm »
welp, basically miley, and i cant speak for everyone, just the NA lads i talked to about leaving, combat feels broken compared to what it used to be, my friends like the kutt folk all go on about lag and wonky swings, most likely a cause of everyone being a higher level and moving faster then the warband engine ever anticipated multi player allowing, and i agree. ( there is also the allers incident, FCC\strat dead )

but mostly, its the community itself, its just destined not to last. and i cant speak about EU, cuz i dont know enough of em well enough, and EU is alive anyway. But NA? pretty much everyone that made the community great, has already left, tired of playing a war game with people who dont like war. ( rip strat ) NA is more of a mmo community, and i enjoy mmo's for the most part, but they do seem to attract a certain kind of player, as crpg does.

this one though, ive never seen or played or been part of a mmo community so obsessed with autism.

The mod was a funny joke before, now, its just a bad joke, and its always been a jealous ego fueled TOXIC community...its just now, everyone that made these things bearable, have done the wise thing and left already.

It was a, uhh, interesting 2 yrs. but the most part, everything people told me about crpg and all the ways they warned me not to come here, pretty much spot on. and with pretty much all the bros leaving or having left already, i dont really have any interest in playing anymore either.

and so another player goes, and i wont be replaced by anyone, new players dont last in crpg, i honestly think any new player that lasts even 6 months in the hell that is crpg, deserves some kind of medal. crpg was \ is \ will always be, alot of bullshit to put up with. the bullshits just not worth the time anymore, and so we all leave.

I really dont see how higher agi could cause the wonky combat, and not only that, its been like that since before this patch and quite far back. It could be related to the amount of items in the game, or somehow related to WSE. That would be my guess anyways.

New players dont last, the learning curve is just too steep and just gets steeper as time goes. (Does anyone have that old picture of the learning curve? from 2011 or something, everything seems like hell untill you overcome the hill and learn how to play, then everything seems balanced) This is the reason a skillbased game like this will eventually die without a growing competative scene. Changes to accessability to looms, and faster levling has already been made, which were the only changes that can be made to make the game appeal to new players without changing core gameplay and then not appeal to veteran players. As for the toxic community, i think it has a charm to it. I always liked crpgs community over any others ive stumbled upon. To me its not even close to being considered toxic though, if you ever play a MOBA game theres no way you can honestly compare it to crpg in terms of toxicity. (got a dejavu feeling writing this, spooky)

You can try to leave, but you will return... eventually.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2015, 03:37:53 pm »
Especially going by NA standards

Quick, instead of shit talking individual players, let's turn this into the usual EU vs. NA shit that every thread devolves into!

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2015, 03:47:44 pm »
Quick, instead of shit talking individual players, let's turn this into the usual EU vs. NA shit that every thread devolves into!

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Its more fun that way, also siege? Not only are the players on siege generally new and crap, but the mode itself gives an advatage to defenders and favors certain builds heavily. 80 ping is pretty good, i wish i had that on NA, i get 140..

Also do all americans screenshot their scores?
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2015, 03:53:28 pm »
so ill give a few, a pic for every patch era.

now lets see yours gravoth?

What kind of a massive nerd does this?

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #42 on: March 15, 2015, 05:07:37 pm »
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 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I thought everybody would do that  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #43 on: March 15, 2015, 05:40:43 pm »
Guys I've been so sick this weekend that I literally shat myself.
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Re: Where'd cRPG Go?
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2015, 09:20:58 pm »
I think I'm even better than plumbo....  What's with the screens? Lol