Very funny indeed, Heskey. I love how now it came to a 2h hate in the end (and even in the different topic). Nice to see how people who support the "cosmetic" animation adjustment now admit that is was purely nerf.
And about your minority/majority statement - it's not a secret that there will always be a majority that support every class-nerf decision. People always want to nerf everything - nerf cavalry, nerf archers, nerf h/a, nerf throwers, nerf agi, nerf str, nerf 1h stab, nerf high level builds, nerf bimbo with his knife, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf. And it always gets support because the only people who don't like the nerf against their class/build are those who play the nerfed class/build. And all the rest would support any nerf. I believe that you also felt upset when pure str builds became useless after one of the previous patches...