To be completely honest here, I had a lot of hope for this patch; as melee classes were unplayable for me. My main build that I've used for quite a long time was ineffective; still not that effective but that isn't why I'm writing this. My favorite class to play on is now ruined and without it this game will become very stale for me: 11-39 *Great lancer* I didn't see a problem with this class or build, one slight mistake and you and your horse were both dead. I had no melee capability, the only possible damage out put location was directly in front of your horse... you had to charge straight in.
In all my time playing my main on foot I've probably only died to someone using a great lance once or twice. All you have to do to counter them is just stepping one or 2 steps out of their radius and they have to sweep around again and and readjust before coming back around for another attempt. (10-15 seconds)
Needless to say the bugs are usual patch protocol; but this one has left me more disappointed than any other patch in all 3 and a half years I've played this mod.
~ Elderly Woman/ Scilla(French Lancer) NA