Battle of Europe Mod?
I know this might not be a real popular vote, but worth a mention. I haven't played BOE for awhile since there are no NA servers anymore and I didn't like how they toned down the sprint mechanic (can't sprint and attack), but the mod is/was worth trying out.
The melee is still there much like Native/CRPG but it adds guns in the mix. NW sucks ass when it comes to melee, but this mod at least has some guns while you can still own just using the whole regular 2h/pole/1h ect weapons your used to in crpg.
Also at least when I played it last the guns weren't that OP since you can duck, take cover, sprint...ect.
I still would like to play the Bear Force II just to check it out, but like I said my 2nd choice would be BOE mod (not on the vote tho)