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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #315 on: January 09, 2015, 04:48:34 pm »
These days Muslims are content with blowing up their own mosques, Christian churches, and damaging priceless Assyrian artifacts

Do you not trust your own eyes as these attacks happen?

I'm starting to wonder whether you are actually retarded or just trolling.
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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #316 on: January 09, 2015, 04:49:09 pm »
What really puzzles me is that at least here in germany I get the impression that the same people demanding 'hard actions' for the Islam World are so appreciative about russian actions in Ukraine and think the economy sanctions were already to harsh.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #317 on: January 09, 2015, 04:53:57 pm »
Forum drinking game, drink every time someone uses the word 'they' in this topic, happy friday.
Oh common. Really freaking look at these islamic countries. Really look at them hard. They are a fucking joke. Even the richest ones who work thightly with Western powers are extremely abusive assholes towards their own people, gigantic biggots and their laws are basically the same what it was in the middle ages. You can give them money, resources, peace and respect and they will just use all that to enforce their abusive laws and views even tighter.

I had high hopes for Turkey thou. But even they seem to go backwards now. "QQ the internet is pure evil" and "women are not the same and shouldnt be treated equally". Those words coming from the mouth of the current president.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #318 on: January 09, 2015, 04:55:29 pm »

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When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #319 on: January 09, 2015, 04:59:49 pm »
ASSAULT is given atm....

I bet on 2 killed

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #320 on: January 09, 2015, 05:04:15 pm »
Oh common. Really freaking look at these Islamic countries. Really look at them hard. They are a fucking joke. Even the richest ones who work tightly with Western powers are extremely abusive assholes towards their own people, gigantic bigots and their laws are basically the same what it was in the middle ages. You can give them money, resources, peace and respect and they will just use all that to enforce their abusive laws and views even tighter.

I had high hopes for Turkey thou. But even they seem to go backwards now. "QQ the internet is pure evil" and "women are not the same and shouldn't be treated equally". Those words coming from the mouth of the current president.

Surprised the apologizing for Islam hasn't evolved to full blown proselytizing.

ASSAULT is given atm....

I bet on 2 killed

You win a prize as that's unfortunately the case.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 05:14:11 pm by lombardsoup »

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #321 on: January 09, 2015, 05:14:22 pm »
What gets to me the most is when people say that you should tolerate and respect people's religion. That is what a Imam in my country said and most people seemed to agree with. That is what even many of the moderate "muslims" say, though i'm not sure I would call them muslims. It's like calling yourself the Ku Klux Klan but then claiming that you stand for multiculuralism and racial tolerance and then blame people for associating you with values traditionally associated with the group. The terrorists aren't the Islamic heretics, moderate muslims are, pretty much the same can be said for the fanatical christian like wesboro baptist church and moderate christians. Moderate muslims are a lot like the moderate christians, they don’t go to mosques and they don’t really read the Quran, the terrorists do and they follow it. Muslims who are tolerant of nonbelievers, women's rights etc are quite clearly going agains't the teachings of Islam. I never get why it's so prevelant that the people who disagree with so many things in a belief system are still determined to call themselves the member of the given belief system.

Anyway, you should be able to ciritizise and ridicule bad ideas and "islam is the mother lode of bad ideas" though I would add other religions to the pile. If I know that someone is a christian or a muslim in my mind he is kind of a piece of shit and I find it hard to have much respect for that person. Religion is nothing like race or ethnicity which decides the color of your skin and perhaps the shape of your nose and the size of your dick, superficial shit that doesn't matter. Religion is something completely different, it's a system of beliefs and values aka the stuff that defines a person. And if your values are something so evil as what you find in the Quaran why the hell should I have any respect for you, should I even tolerate you? Tolerating extreme intolerance and hate can be dangerous.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 06:26:18 pm by Cyber »

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #322 on: January 09, 2015, 05:15:21 pm »
It's over...

Deads ?

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #323 on: January 09, 2015, 05:22:05 pm »
Kouachi brothers killed both... hostage saved

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #324 on: January 09, 2015, 05:22:57 pm »
If you dont like what happens in the insular culturally isolated countries out there, dont strive to become one of them.

Gratuitous use of the words 'them', 'they' and 'their' is nicely vague and generalizing, especially considering that it varies post to post whether or not people are talking about Muslims who currently live in france/any western country, or predominantly Islamic countries that exist today, or a general timeless concept of what they believe 'Islam' to be at all times and for all people. Your use of those words was more specific, might need to fine-tune the drinking game to express that distinction.

Isn't the ideal scenario from a western perspective that we end up living in a world where all peoples acknowledge freedom of speech and become more moderate/less extreme? You arent going to achieve that by targeting, stifling, or acting like extremists or fanatics yourselves. If it's an ideological conflict then it's something that can only be won by ideology, make 'them' want what we have. Migration is surely a step in that direction, but some people always resist change and you cannot account for the individual, unfortunately we live in a world where the individual or few individuals can do a lot of harm.

I dont judge all americans for the things a few of you say or do. I dont say 'americans are fat and dumb' and make it my own personal crusade to ridicule all americans because one american did something i dont like. 'Americans' dont need to apologize, or have someone apologize for them every time one stupid american goes to 'Heart Attack Grill' and eats himself to death.

You dont like Muslims, what are you going to do about it?

Nothing, until I get shot at in the name of Allah.  As one man there's not much I can do, but if recent events are any indication, the tide is shifting against the religion of Islam.  The French and German outcry is only the start.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #325 on: January 09, 2015, 05:26:08 pm »
Kouachi Brothers killed

Policemen wounded...

hostages free

Koulibali "neutralized" (dead or captured ?)

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #326 on: January 09, 2015, 05:33:23 pm »
Nothing, until I get shot at in the name of Allah.  As one man there's not much I can do, but if recent events are any indication, the tide is shifting against the religion of Islam.  The French and German outcry is only the start.
There is a German outcry?
Oww, you mean the losers of the society modernisation? The uneducated ones? Whose numbers aren't even are as high as half the amount that goes to a football match? Not the premier league, mind you, not even the 2nd league, nope, 3rd class club league match mobilizes double the amount of people. And they're even paying for the entry! :o

Much outcry! So loud! Wow!

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When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #327 on: January 09, 2015, 05:36:49 pm »
If events like these prove anything it's that clearly one or very few people are capable of having a big impact, they just need to do some high-profile killing.

When you say the 'tide is shifting' what do you have in mind as your ideal anticipated outcome? Closed borders? Deportation? Would those things stop attacks or provoke them? There is only one way to get rid of a religion like this that is so ingrained and that is to get rid of it's people, nobody sane wants or is able to do that so the religion will remain. Orrrr, you could simply hope that natural exposure to conflicting ideologies over time, and a more tolerant west, has a calming effect on radicals and zealots.

I am sad that if i wanted to be big and famous, simply going to a building and killing everyone inside wouldnt be enough, i'd need to shout some religious obscenity before the world was suitably appalled.

I already suggested deportation of known violent Islamists and more stringent immigration laws but since that went over your head

Much apologist, such denial.  No Islam problem, nope.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #328 on: January 09, 2015, 05:38:28 pm »
Koulibali killed too...and one man with him.

Great French police.. no hostage wounded.

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Re: Satiric newspaper attacked in France
« Reply #329 on: January 09, 2015, 05:39:47 pm »
Isn't the ideal scenario from a western perspective that we end up living in a world where all peoples acknowledge freedom of speech and become more moderate/less extreme? You arent going to achieve that by targeting, stifling, or acting like extremists or fanatics yourselves. If it's an ideological conflict then it's something that can only be won by ideology, make 'them' want what we have. Migration is surely a step in that direction, but some people always resist change and you cannot account for the individual, unfortunately we live in a world where the individual or few individuals can do a lot of harm.
True that thou. Being fanatic towards fanatics will just create more fanatics. But these bigger ideological conflicts cant be won and asfar as ive seen go on indefinately. Some losing sides are willing to go to the bitter end nomatter how much lives are lost. Actually making people want what we have might take generations and in some cultures its generations of bloodshed and isolation from the rest of the world.

Its kinda like the case with Batman and Joker. I know, but hear me out. Jokers main goal in life is to finally get killed by Batman, thereby proving that everyone is evil on the inside, believing himself to be "evil". And Batmans main goal is to keep his city safe without bloodshed, him being (questionably)"good". And they keep at it indefinately. Nomatter how much people, hospitals etc Joker doesnt blow up Batman will not kill him. So thats basically 2 assholes trying to prove eachothers point and shitton of innocent casualties in the middle of it. If one would just die or leave, it would be done with it, but no.