Author Topic: Time to speak up  (Read 2523 times)

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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2015, 09:38:39 pm »
See this is why native hates crpg, the devs, admins event managers, and crpg biased players are so full of fucking shit its unreal.

so many people trying to warn devs about what their mod is becoming...are told they are ungrateful and stupid...all the while they bash Native...LOL

YOU OWE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO NATIVE, it is thee most balanced skill based melee game out there. molly gavoth korp etc pull your fucking heads out of ur asses.

they broke the mod and have themselves to blame, if you think being able to take the same dmg, and wear the same gear and move faster AND do more dmg than everyone else...isnt op...your a typical crpg player, ie biased and incapable of common fucking sense.

frankly im laughing my balls off at how crpg and the m:bg kickstarter turned out, fucking idiots think just cuz they can mod a game, they can build one from scratch just like that?

You crpg fucks really do think crpg is more balanced, more skill based, than native?  even during strat 4 it was unbalenced as fuck with the only balance coming from the fact, multiple builds were viable...

now we are at a point where their is noo reason to take over 18 str and less than 21 agi ( a combo that has always been op, and now is thee most op )

and you STILL think crpg is more balanced?

the only reason this mod has EVER had a player base, was cuz it was fun...and balance fairness equality skill...had nothing to do with it, it was just a crazy joke, with crazy shit happening all the time,

Smoothrich is right, its a fucking rpg ffs you will NEVER have a rpg with fair skill based PVP, the best balance you could ever have is diversity, having a bunch of op builds countering eachother out.

now diversity is dead, it was killed off, all the while we were trying to warn you saying "you are killing the diversity in this mod, which is killing the entire mod, which , IS NOT A GOOD LOOK FOR M:BG"

but hey,,,i wasnt trying to offer useful criticisms...i was just being ungrateful...i know right? i should really be more thankful of the time tydeus put into destroying this mod, and be happy chadz okayed every patch of it. because they clearly know what they are doing and dont need any feedback from their ever shrinking playerbase.

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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2015, 10:40:04 pm »
...all the while they bash Native...LOL
I´ve never seen any real rage against native from "cRPGers", but a lot of hate from "Nativers". Over a year ago, I tried some native for fun, and when I revealed that I usually play cRPG, people immediately started to swear at me for no reason. I can´t explain all the hate, it´s just a mod. :/

you will NEVER have a rpg with fair skill based PVP, the best balance you could ever have is diversity, having a bunch of op builds countering eachother out.
...which is called "Balance". Check World of Warcraft, Fire Emblem and thousand of other games who rely on the "paper, rock, scissors"-system. If every class would be perfect against every class, why then even bother having different classes?

most of it, yes. That´s why most of us bought the game: because of the original version and native. But not everything, there are a lot of things that crpg invented for itself.

if you think being able to take the same dmg, and wear the same gear and move faster AND do more dmg than everyone else...isnt op...
Maybe you haven´t noticed, but compared to Native, which is 95% skill based, cRPG includes items, levels and skills, which makes it, of course, less skill based (85% or less). Of course people with better gear, build or level have an advantage, this is what it´s mostly about. Nevertheless, it´s just an advantage, it´s by far not making people demigods, skill still is the main factor when you want to beat other players. It´s just not the ONLY factor.

You crpg fucks really do think crpg is more balanced, more skill based, than native?
Who said that  :rolleyes: crpg isn´t more balanced than native, just look at the amount of armors, classes, etc. That´s close to impossible to balance, whereas native, without the levels and the few amount of armors, is way easier to balance.

but hey,,,i wasnt trying to offer useful criticisms...i was just being ungrateful...i know right?
And that´s okay, because you´re in the chamber of tears :) being angry and completely irrational is normal here, just don´t expect people to take you serious with these kind of statements
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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #17 on: January 03, 2015, 10:57:46 pm »
I'm not sure do players of this have a reason to be angry anymore.

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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #18 on: January 03, 2015, 11:16:26 pm »
...because he's freaking stupid, that's why.

Nice argument Molly congrats....Well done ''event manager''

Keep killin it

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened"

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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #19 on: January 03, 2015, 11:58:08 pm »
"Who said that  :rolleyes: crpg isn´t more balanced than native, just look at the amount of armors, classes, etc. That´s close to impossible to balance, whereas native, without the levels and the few amount of armors, is way easier to balance."

ohh idk, tydeus cmp, various admins, well known players. there seem to be only a few of you out there that gets this ( heskey, ur my hero )

and crpg was fun because it DID have somewhat of a rock paper scissors system, str was great for siege and strat clusterfucks, agi was great for 1v1's and battle, balanced chars were decent at everything.

that very first agi patch ( the WPF rework patch ) is when i started ranting about all the 18-24's it would create, and i was absolutely right soo many people started taking it. most of the 39-3's died off right there, and the more players taking 18-24, the more the playerbase droped.

alot of this could have been avoided by finally reworking weapon restrictions, people with 18 str being able to use everything in the game is just one more reason to take more agi than str, with the right gear, you can take about the same # of hits to kill, move MUCH faster, and do much more dmg.

24 str only nets 10 more hitpts...with 60+ armor, its nothing. 18 str players move much faster and do more dmg with their speed bonus.

basically there is no reason to go anything other than 24\21 21-24 or 18-27...seen and talked to a bunch of NA players recently that have switched from 27-18, i myself switched from 27-18 to 24-21, something i thought i would never do, i always said i would never take over 18 agi cuz i considered it a cheap skeying gayness

well, fuck it, the combat is so wonky right now, and 95% of the players move fast as hell, spam spaming away. my IF doesnt mean shit anymore, its just that much better to be able to spam like everyone else and get a swing off, than to be able to take hits.

crpg was and will always be unbalenced, that doesnt mean its not fun...but this Usain Bolt Spam Fest, is as far from tactical skill based combat as you can get.


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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #20 on: January 04, 2015, 12:38:58 am »
I just hope we can somehow figure out what we liked the most about the mod in the past few years and what system was the most favoured one/well working one

Not that I put my hopes into a huge revival of the mod itself, but this information could be very important as a fundament for M:BG
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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #21 on: January 04, 2015, 01:20:24 am »
I like current cRPG, will like it even more in few months.

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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #22 on: January 04, 2015, 02:08:22 am »
If they want success i hope they work based on what *they* want to see in their dream-game and fit it into a framework of what will be popular, not 'what would the dregs of crpg like to see'.

Mmmhtrue. If the devs have fun playing their game, they´ll put more effort into it. People bringing up their ideas for patches hasn´t always improved cRPG in the past...

So we´re back to waiting and drinking tea I suppose? I´ll be crushing some imperials in the meantime (Valkyria Chronicles)
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« Last Edit: January 04, 2015, 02:21:14 am by Ikarus »
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Re: Time to speak up
« Reply #23 on: January 04, 2015, 02:11:20 am »
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