Mind you I haven't tried any crafting, trading, PvP or any other side activities (like horse taming/breeding, etc) other than pure leveling, so here's my few impressions of the game:
- there's a lot of different attacks/combos your class can do, which is nice
- however, I feel like there's no "weight" behind these attacks, I might as well spam the primary (left mouse) attack and achieve the same thing
- potions have a 2 sec cooldown, which makes them spammable (very old skool asian mmo style)
- couple that with not so difficult monsters, it makes the PvE kinda bland
- graphics and animations are great (it's an asian game after all)
- however, everything is so flashy, your whole character flashes, enemies flash, skills flash, literally everything fucking flashes. It's very heavy on the eyes, no joke. And this is AFTER I disabled all those screen shakes (that you see in some videos) that make you nauseous
So after like 12 levels I put this on hold until EU/NA version is out. I'll test it more then, for now it didn't hype me enough to keep playing RU. Maybe I'm just hard to please these days, dunno. Daum (devs and publishers for EU/NA) said they realize western version will require changes, and they're already showing that by making the game buy2play - the only question here remains whether the cash shop will be purely cosmetic/convenience or pay2win like in KR/RU...
Also, they apparently skimmed a lot of PvP in KR/RU. Apparently karma system makes open world PvP useless and not worth it, you can't rob people doing trades, etc. Basically PvP outside guild wars is dead. Which is a damn shame because the PvP could be great if you could rob trading caravans (like in ArcheAge) or fight for resources.
Here's a lil extra for you guys to see how pay2win KR shop is
1) Cash shop costumes give boost in stats: jump strength, endurance (stamina), weapon durability, sprint, armor dura reduction upon death, etc, etc.
2) Cash shop also has INNER armor (aka underwear) that ALSO give boost in stats: hp bonus, sprint speed, endurance, etc.
3) Cash shop also has MOUNTS with their own mount armor that give various boost in mount stats: running speed/turn speed/stamina/health/etc.
4) Cash shop mounts are on par with tier 2 (or was it 3) horses - meaning, once you breed a horse and get a decent offspring, only then will it be on par with a cash shop horse.
5) Cash shop has items that prevent any sort of death penalty when you die.
6) Cash shop has convenience items such as horse whistle - which lets you call your horse from further away, unbind rune - lets you unbind high enhanced gear and sell it on marketplace, etc, etc.
7) Cash shop is one of the only places where you can acquire more carry weight for your character, bag space, warehouse space, etc, etc. The only other way to acquire more than the initial amount you start with are through certain quests (these are limited) and through marketplace when people put them up for sale (iirc you can trade these...correct me if I am wrong)
So basically, do you want to be able to carry more stuff, run for longer periods of time, travel faster with a better horse, survive longer due to higher hp, and not worry about bag space?
time to shell out some cash.