Double tapping sucks. Holding a button on a keyboard like shift to dart in a direction kind of sucks too. Been playing CoD: Advanced Warfare and the whole gimmick is dashing to the sides and behind with your jetpack. Works great on a controller but is kind of annoying on a keyboard since WASD and spinning your mouse around is kind of bad enough as it is, making action games more complicated with more presses isn't that fun.
Why not just mess with the strafing animations when you hold W or D or even how you backpedal to make them more combat oriented. Strafing to your side with little hops, that can be faster or farther based on your build.
Maybe even a toggle between free-movement and "combat stance" with one set of animations better for charging across a field or repositioning as an archer, and another stance where you juke, double step, whatever with A S and
Stances can also be worked into like, "bracing" for the opposite of offensive, abusable, spamming agi whoring dancing crap. So you can brace yourself and get much more limited mobility, but greatly enhance shield effectiveness or pike deadliness, or archer fire.
Not every player wants to derp and dodge around, but some probably do, so you should let them do that somehow but with trade-offs in balance, and let STR build/heavy infantry/teamwork players have something similar for holding ground together with less mobility.
And some lightly armored dude with a rapier should probably be strafing, lunging, etc completely different from a pikeman anyways, not just in attack animations but movement. So seems like this is a thing to look into for defining unique and pro playstyles.
Example: Forward hops instead of goofy jumps as a gap closer that you can combine with stabs and crap would be great with a longsword or rapier, but make no sense with a pike who should instead just take a big step forward or backward as their tradeoff for reach, power, playstyle, etc. But a pikeman who isn't deploying his weapon for combat should be able to run with the team, just not be as mobile during combat like a lighter infantry player could.