His ult isnt top tier, but i think it rewards more kills at least than most ults. Like D.va and Hanzo just struggle to kill much with ults in higher skillbrackets, doesnt make them bad by any means though.
Idk, I find it kind of weak considering plenty of the cast can backpedal and hop around him, and you typically need a few good swings to kill anyone since it isn't as strong as you'd want it to be. At least Hanzo can remain safe while firing off his ult, or at the very least use it to clear the enemy team off of an objective. If genji tried to use his ult to get an enemy team off an objective he'd be shot dead in a second since he's so squishy. I learned after my first attempt to not use it and just run at a group of enemies, but it just seems so bad even if you use it and manage to sneak up on someone. For instance I used my ult, then used my dash attack to hit a Hanzo from behind, then I slashed him once and he was still living and hopping around, giving him enough time to knock an arrow and fire it off before my 2nd swing was able to come out, and of course he headshotted me cuz
enemy hitboxes are enlarged when the one shooting at him is using projectile weapons (such as a Hanzo).
...so does this mean that all characters can get ridiculous headshots? Since I've definitely noticed some awfully generous headshots with all the cast, but I've chalked it up to latency for the most part. Hanzo on the other hand has downright impossible headshots. Even watching replays I'll see him shoot my way, the arrow will go underneath my armpit, not even hitting my arm or torso, and then I drop dead from a headshot. Cmon game, at least lie to me and show the replay making sense.
The problem with Genji deflect and other similar reaction stuff like Mei's icecube is that the server often prefer the shooter in terms of latency (I can't say it's connected to tickrate, but it might be), which means that in higher skill brackets when people aren't retarded enough to shoot into Genji's deflect you'll have to bait and do last milisecond deflects, which often get you killed even though the parry was successful on your screen, however on their killcam you don't even see your deflect initiate.
Agreed... The few times I got a deflect in reactively has been mostly luck I'd have to admit, unless it was a long range rocket or something slow coming my way. When I try to reactively parry most of the times I end up getting shot first, more likely than not due to latency since I think it'd be safe to say all of us crpg vets have pretty dece reflexes. Not to mention even if you could parry reactively 100%, at higher levels people bait it out anyways. If you come across someone who doesn't have a shotgun, they'll just fire off a couple shots your way, so you're forced to either take the free damage (or hope it misses) or activate your parry... at which point they just stop shooting and wait a second for it to run out. A smart player will almost always be able to outplay you, and I find myself using the parry as a way to help make my escape more often than anything else. I'm not necessarily saying genji is underpowered or anything, I just feel like he needs a little
something, since even his role on the battlefield doesn't seem very impactful. I just want to feel productive while playing him cuz he's pretty fun.