Author Topic: Cmpx & Harald - Cheating sanctioned in Strategus both this one and next one  (Read 12760 times)

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Offline Horns_Archive

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Can someone TL;DR this for me I don't want to wade through the titty high radioactive feces that is this thread.

Offline Lt_Anders

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Can someone TL;DR this for me I don't want to wade through the titty high radioactive feces that is this thread.

Kesh wants Mcdeath banned. Made post insulting CMP, draws out the real strat dev and info is given. Smooth wants admin back.
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Offline Smoothrich

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Side note: why would anyone mess with CMP? have you learnt nothing from me? CMP is a cunt, but he is Cunt Overlord and there is no point angering him, right or wrong, this isn't a democracy, there is no duty of care if we are honest, now is there? If there was some warband issue and you wanted responsibility and accountability from talewords or paradox or something is one thing, but crpg is free...

I'd argue many of us have learned that calling out cmp with hyperbole is probably the easiest and sometimes only way to get him to respond haha. I always figured he "gets it" speaking the language of ragers, trolls, and sarcastic gamers, or else many more people would've been permabanned from cRPG by now for shit like this thread. chadz is too friendly and Harald too professional to get mad at, but cmp doesn't have those flaws imo.

Fact is all the admins use his rules as a guide and he's typically the one that would ultimately handle shit like multiaccounts, Strat abuse, global bans, or at least seemingly the maker and keeper of the tools needed for it, on top of god knows how much work programming behind the scenes. So you're gonna want CMP if you want anything done, even if he rightfully does not give a shit about you and your bitching over some stupid issue.

No one blames him, chadz, Harald, or anyone else in the core dev group for using their time productively but I certainly don't trust or expect anyone else to be able to handle any of those issues the way things are, and I think everyone gets that.

I'd say this strat is too old and dead to worry about, but a Strat reboot definitely could use a few game moderators or w/e to address reports and complaints. Hell I can even picture a system where you "report a bug" on the webpage and a few maybe anonymous people can look at it and address any real shitty bugs or failures with compensation like directly giving gold or troops to replace whatever is lost, or directly take away duped items or gold. I've always thought some sort of GM that could do random events like spawning armies to attack and dislocate AFK campers or add funny lighthearted crap during otherwise dead months (like we saw that one glorious time when Fallen was literally carpet bombed) would be good too.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2014, 09:59:52 pm by Smoothrich »
My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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Offline Horns_Archive

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Kesh wants Mcdeath banned. Made post insulting CMP, draws out the real strat dev and info is given. Smooth wants admin back.

10/10 anders would def give run k thx

Offline HarryCrumb

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Offline Sandersson Jankins

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oh good lord could you imagine a strat world moderated by daruvian? Seriously? haha Have you seen his posts?

If I COULD imagine a strat world moderated by Daruvian I would rest easier at night, and be blissful during the day.

Truly, it would be a wonderland of spergish delights never before seen.

oh and

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline BaleOhay

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frank the tank for head strat admin
Leader of BS

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When people that otherwise give kesh -'s and outright hate his guts ingame say he shouldn't have been muted and banned (if he was), you know you done fucked up.

Shit son.
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Offline Lt_Anders

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10/10 anders would def give run k thx

You're Welcome.
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Wow, Smooth, you're actually a decent guy behind all that misanthropic trolling.
When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

Offline Smoothrich

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Wow, Smooth, you're actually a decent guy behind all that misanthropic trolling.

You know when I was admin I ended up chatting with dozens of constantly banned or about to be permabanned people who all ended up being pretty similar. They really liked cRPG, typically got really good at the game, but would abuse people or rules in the small community cuz of silly shit like being bored by, yet obligated to playing by routine, griefing others to vent stress, or just not caring but ending up amazed at how admins could demand people to write essays about degrading things like "WHY TEAMKILLING IS BAD" or permaban you for being mean in the toggable server chat.

It was stupid but still funny to be like a cRPG Social Worker with repeat offending trolls coming into my Steam chat office to explain themselves, my admin uniform barely concealing the BORN 2 TROLL tattoos up and down my arms and understanding them pretty well.

I think the main thing is that its hard for many people to take a videogame seriously, but cRPG by its nature sucked some people into wasting embarrassingly large amounts of their time on it, becoming attached to their looms and levels as something that was theirs. The idea of permabanning anyone but malicious hackers or unrepentant repeat autoblockers and such is crazy to me, cuz you are taking away something that has meaning or value to someone else, for no purpose but to make yourself feel powerful on the internet. Its stupid. And its something the devs themselves have never done, but the "NA admin team" circus certainly has since I (deservedly) got the boot, and wouldn't want to see people with Strategus oversight powers doing the same thing.

Ironically I banned Kesh for the same reason Kesh made this thread, to basically troll the devs into using their tools to look at an issue in Strat that I felt was sucking out all the fun, but impossible to moderate on our own. Multiaccounting and account sharing in my case. But ideally instead of impotently trying to treat the symptoms, you recognize the causes and fix those instead.
My posting is like a katana folded 1000 times to perfection.. and the community is what keeps the edge sharp.. and bloody.  -  Me.

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no but seriously make me a strat admin

I am impartial.

and professional

so professional im texting this at my job

Offline Sandersson Jankins

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It was stupid but still funny to be like a cRPG Social Worker with repeat offending trolls coming into my Steam chat office to explain themselves, my admin uniform barely concealing the BORN 2 TROLL tattoos up and down my arms and understanding them pretty well.

oh god i can't contain my laughter at this image
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Bronto

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Seriously, even I want to see Smoothrich as admin. I haven't always seen eye to eye with him but goddammit the man makes sense. He understands our community of shitlords, tryhards, and trolls better than most people I've seen post in these forums. The best part is he knows he has flaws but we all do. Go Smoothrich, admin of any sort 2014/2015.

Offline Butan

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Go Smoothrich, admin of any sort 2014-2388, long may he live.
