
What c-RPG Era was your favorite?

Pre XP Patch (XP barns)
Pre Strat 4
Strat 4
Post Agi Patch
Revival Patch

Author Topic: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring favorite crpg era poll!  (Read 11562 times)

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #150 on: November 27, 2014, 03:33:03 am »
bump for research purposes, hope we have atleast 100 people lurking here... if not, I"ll have a new poll for you guys on monday.
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #151 on: November 27, 2014, 06:37:56 am »
bump for research purposes, hope we have atleast 100 people lurking here... if not, I"ll have a new poll for you guys on monday.

hope its the "best era" poll we talked about, ive been waiting.

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #152 on: November 28, 2014, 01:44:29 am »
hope its the "best era" poll we talked about, ive been waiting.

(click to show/hide)

I started playing during strat 4 so anyone who wants to specify times more than "Pre Strat 4", post recommendations for categories and I'll add them in the poll.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 01:52:46 am by Voncrow »
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #153 on: November 28, 2014, 02:19:26 am »
You should definitely add pre-xp change time aka xp barn time. That's the time that brings up the most memories. I'm not sure if any other smaller time periods would fall into era category.

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #154 on: November 28, 2014, 02:43:12 am »
You should definitely add pre-xp change time aka xp barn time. That's the time that brings up the most memories. I'm not sure if any other smaller time periods would fall into era category.

RIP xp barn.  Once you were grand, now you are dilapidated in the snowy wastes

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring Weapon Difficulty Poll!
« Reply #155 on: November 28, 2014, 04:21:26 am »
You should definitely add pre-xp change time aka xp barn time. That's the time that brings up the most memories. I'm not sure if any other smaller time periods would fall into era category.

Good note, I will add that in a bit, any other suggestions?
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now favorite crpg period Poll!
« Reply #156 on: December 28, 2014, 06:10:33 am »
People want to reload crpg to a prior save you say? I wonder how we can be sure what everyone wants? (ps: still need some help filling in the blanks of prior changes aka more poll options(pls help))
Bump from deaths grip and I wonder if we will get more than 25 votes this time.
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring favorite crpg era poll!
« Reply #157 on: December 28, 2014, 06:48:36 pm »
IMO the game started going downhill when BLACK ARMOR was changed to black armor.
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring favorite crpg era poll!
« Reply #158 on: December 29, 2014, 08:04:26 am »
I like this poll, and I think it's one of the more loaded/most important polls in that it's a simple question of "When did you like this game the most?"

This, being asked when the mod seems to be on a steady decline. Admittedly, I haven't been in a server in like a month. Been busy IRL, and sadly will remain busy for the next 7 weeks.

But I think the questions could be a bit more specific. I look at the Battle server and the Strat servers as (almost) two different games: I enjoy the Battle Server mechanics of strat 4+, though I must note that I am not a fan of the most recent uber-patch. But, I had more fun playing Strat's 2 and 3 that the most recent iteration.

My preference for the past Strat's probably comes from a mix of nostalgia, the sense of "Oh this is new(ish) and fun!" that I (and perhaps others) felt at the time, and the general cRPG population's investment into strat at the time. I feel that past iterations of strat had more players giving a fuck than the most recent iterations. This is perhaps tied into my own, very personal, take on the earlier strats: they were more immersive. I was invested in them, and could better imagine the conflicts between clans being carried out, like some retarded, nerdy Game of Thrones; hence the inception of my "roleplaying". I think this ease of imagining--this immersion--was so easily accomplished back then because of a mix of the aforementioned factors, plus strat's relative youth and healthy population. A number of factors blended together, back in the day, to make those earlier strats more immersive for me. I care more about them, to the point that clan identies and heraldries and the players that led them all mattered. I kept track of that shit like I was tracking the arcs of characters (and their factions) in a weird, nerdy fucking soap opera.

Shit, my "roleplay" posts often required an hour of digging through forums (and my own memory) to figure out who was doing what, and what faction was aligned with which. Verisimilitude and all that. I still fucked that part up frequently, but the impulse to at least try was there, which is telling. It suggests that the battle-by-battle, post-by-post reality of previous strat iterations was indeed very important to me, and important to the stories I tried to tell (and to the implied, larger narrative).

Times have a-changed, and I honestly think that the major factor in this discussion is simply the mod's age. It's gotten old and people have moved on, devs included. At this point, I'm hoping that Battlegrounds is as fun as cRPG was. I'm hoping that, after my IRL fun-times are over with, I can buy Battlegrounds and immerse myself once again into a the derpy, imaginative, medieval playground that I'd romped in not so long ago. Hopefully the devs are able to keep the freedom and sandbox-y playfulness of the mod intact for the next version of things, while upgrading graphics and the strat mechanics to make a more intuitive, fun experience.

Sorry for the rambling. I've been busy and have only recently had access to beer. Beers.
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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring favorite crpg era poll!
« Reply #159 on: December 29, 2014, 11:20:19 am »
I would like to vote for a period that is not available, namely the time between the upkeep patch and Strat 2. This period was from January 2011 till September 2011.

Pre-upkeep patch was fun, but not fair. I started in December 2010 (lel) and played religiously and all I reached in that month, in which I probably cleared 150 hours, was level 20, 150 wpf and about 35k worth of gear. The old players were level 45+, with over 220 wpf and had 200k worth of gear and there was no way I could have ever reached a reasonably level playing field.

The start of 2011 had the much fairer new system which was perhaps less retarded fun, but a better and more solid experience overall. The few reasons why I prefer this era over more recent eras have nothing to do with mechanics or game design, which were shittier by far. There is zero point in reverting to an earlier version, because it won't ever be the same. The game lacked a whole lot of stuff that I would sorely miss now.

The game back then was more fun for two reasons. One being that it was alive and vibrant as fuck, the other being that people sucked. There were probably well over 500 players online at primetime and there were many big clans making their mark on the battle server. This was a time of clans having trainings and the competitive clan scene was growing. There were tons of very large and very good clans. Admittedly I wasted my time being a ninja and I got into a competitive clan pretty late, but the taste I got of it and the general atmosphere was pretty damn good. It was also a time of much lower average playing skill, which made the game more fun. It was easier to be consistently good and the game was far from a numbers game. One versus many was a challenge, not a death sentence. Being good meant being able to block well. No endless block fests, fighting was frantic and quick. It was a time where the entire server would watch one of the classic pros clutch against 15 players with the chat going apeshit.

Then Strat came back after a long absence and though me and everyone were excited as hell, I would have preferred it now if it have stayed away. It instantly demolished the active competitive scene as tryhards started attacking clans on Strat when they had clanbattles and organizing anything became impossible.

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Re: CRPG statistics poll | Now featuring favorite crpg era poll!
« Reply #160 on: December 31, 2014, 11:10:57 am »
I would like to vote for a period that is not available, namely the time between the upkeep patch and Strat 2. This period was from January 2011 till September 2011.

Pre-upkeep patch was fun, but not fair. I started in December 2010 (lel) and played religiously and all I reached in that month, in which I probably cleared 150 hours, was level 20, 150 wpf and about 35k worth of gear. The old players were level 45+, with over 220 wpf and had 200k worth of gear and there was no way I could have ever reached a reasonably level playing field.

The start of 2011 had the much fairer new system which was perhaps less retarded fun, but a better and more solid experience overall. The few reasons why I prefer this era over more recent eras have nothing to do with mechanics or game design, which were shittier by far. There is zero point in reverting to an earlier version, because it won't ever be the same. The game lacked a whole lot of stuff that I would sorely miss now.

The game back then was more fun for two reasons. One being that it was alive and vibrant as fuck, the other being that people sucked. There were probably well over 500 players online at primetime and there were many big clans making their mark on the battle server. This was a time of clans having trainings and the competitive clan scene was growing. There were tons of very large and very good clans. Admittedly I wasted my time being a ninja and I got into a competitive clan pretty late, but the taste I got of it and the general atmosphere was pretty damn good. It was also a time of much lower average playing skill, which made the game more fun. It was easier to be consistently good and the game was far from a numbers game. One versus many was a challenge, not a death sentence. Being good meant being able to block well. No endless block fests, fighting was frantic and quick. It was a time where the entire server would watch one of the classic pros clutch against 15 players with the chat going apeshit.

Then Strat came back after a long absence and though me and everyone were excited as hell, I would have preferred it now if it have stayed away. It instantly demolished the active competitive scene as tryhards started attacking clans on Strat when they had clanbattles and organizing anything became impossible.

That's interesting and helpful, I hope you can help fill in the rest of the gaps. My peasant looking self started playing in late 2013, so I am pretty much ignorant of everything prior to strat 4. Although most I know who have stopped playing have done so because of server issues, ping problems that are exclusive to crpg servers and don't really go away easily.
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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