Author Topic: Throwing Lances  (Read 507 times)

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Offline Mallets

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Throwing Lances
« on: October 08, 2014, 09:24:19 pm »
I want to make two suggestions to throwing.  Both suggestions mainly have to do with Throwing Lances.

1)  Rework the strength needed for Throwing Lances (and other throwing weapons).  Currently, you need 18 STR to use Throwing Lances.  You have to have the same STR for the Long Maul.  All the poleaxes take less strength.  It takes less STR to wear any of the full plates.  I'm sure it must require a strong individual to throw a lengthy, heavy-ish lance or spear.  But to put Throwing Lance requirements greater than full plate, poleaxes, and the heaviest two-hand swords... this just seems grossly out of balance.

So here my suggestion:

Reduce Throwing Lances down to 5 Power Throw (15 STR).  With this, I think Jarids should be moved down to 4 Power Throw (12 STR).  If no one has noticed, there's currently no 4 PT throwing spears.  Why jump from 3 PT with Javelins to 5 PT for Jarids & Throwing Spears.  On that note, I think Throwing Spears should be 3 PT.  They are basically the same as Javelins, except you get 1 more ammo.  If they are the exact same... why should it cost more PT to use them (currently it cost 2 more PT).  Just make Throwing Spears cost more since it's giving a 4th projectile.

Here's how I think throwing "spears" should look.  Notice that this way, there's a throwing "spear" representing each level of Power Throwing.  Also, notice that Jarids are now on par with Heavy Throwing Axes.  Jarids & Heavy Throwing Axes would now be contemporaries at 4 PT... while Throwing Lance would stand on it's own at 5 PT.

Throwing Spears/Darts
1 PT:  Darts
2 PT:  War Darts
3 PT:  Javelins & Throwing Spears
4 PT:  Jarird
5 PT:  Throwing Lances

Throwing Axes
1 PT:  Throwing Knife/Dagger
2 PT:  Francisca
3 PT:  Throwing Axe & Throwing Hammer
4 PT:  Heavy Throwing Axe

Notice how each level of Power Throw has an equal contemporary between throwing "spears" & throwing "axes".  Except for Throwing Lance... being a unique weapon that cost 5 Power Throw and takes up two slots.


Ok for suggestion #2.  This one is minor compared to #1.  I wouldn't want to see #1 being instituted become compromised by this next suggestion.  But seeing that it concerns Throwing Lances... I didn't want to make two separate threads.  So feel free to like one idea and hate the other.  They don't have to go hand-in-hand.


2)  Make a version of the Throwing Lance that is 1-slot... but only contains 1 ammo.


Because with Throwing Lances being 2-slot... I can carry a set of them (3 ammo) and shield... but then I'm left over with 1-slot.  Back before the Throwing Lance change... you could only carry 3 Throwing Lances (1-slot each) and a 1-slot shield.  The exact same today... so why complain?

Well back in the day... those 3 Throwing Lances I could carry would do significantly more damage than the ones we have today.  So with today's setup... I have the same number of Throwing Lances... but they do way less damage.  Being able to carry a 4th Throwing Lance that would only take up 1-slot would be a really nice addition.

This 1-slot (1 ammo) Throwing Lance would have the exact same stats as the 2-slot (3 ammo) version.  Heck, it could cost the same for all I care.

This option would also help out Hoplites.  Those that carry a War Spear (or Red Tassel Spear) and a proper shield... can no longer take a Throwing Lance.  Back in the day, they could at least bring 1 with them.  This would allow them to do so again.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2014, 09:28:13 pm by Mallets »

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Re: Throwing Lances
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2014, 09:48:45 pm »
I like #2.

I don't like #1 only due to the argument that they should have lower strength requirements than mauls and platemail. I think those need higher (21+ str) requirements. I do however like you changing the PT requirements around so that they have a numerical order to them. That's kinda pretty. But really, is this supposed to be pretty? Is there a better reason to do so?


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Re: Throwing Lances
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2014, 11:03:58 pm »
Just revert the last couple changes to throwing lances.

Offline Zorak

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Re: Throwing Lances
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2014, 04:29:07 pm »
I think 18 strength is fine for Lances, I mean, you get a two in one package, a pretty good throwing and melee weapon in one.
Throwing in general is fine as it is with one exception.

Seriously, carrying 4 stacks of throwing daggers = running around with a Heavy Kuyak in your hands.