Some of you haven't seen Shinsekai Yori? Stop whatever you are doing now and go watch it, it's one of the best anime ever made
And yeah, HunterXHunter is great, you won't find anything better in the shonen genre
Lain is pretty great. Haibane Renmei as well, but they share creators so it makes sense that they have similarity. Texhnolyze too, which you could try if you are looking for something with that thumbprint.
I tried the first couple of eps of Texhnolyze; it didn't seem epic enough to binge-watch, so I guess it's something I can leave for when I'm procrastinating
There are some people who claim it's better than Lain, but Lain had my full attention from the first second to the end and beyond, Texhnolyze is nothing like that