Author Topic: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems  (Read 865 times)

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Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:42:44 pm »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
EU Defend The Viscount server.

4:50:33 PM Berlin local time
Monday, August 18, 2014
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
The player rabbitstayla_von_Krems opened a rage ban poll (as usual) after the kick poll against him got accepted. The kick poll was opened because rabbitstayla has been teamhitting players.

He joins the server back and immediately and opens a rage poll against Dominiqua_The_Wanderer

After, he threatens us to get us banned for random polls.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
Of rage and stupidity

6. Multiple Screenshots
The kick poll against rabbitstayla getting accepted.
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After joining opens the rage poll
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Here, looks like hes opening a ban thread against Dominiqua and asking for witnesses
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A statement by Guard_Bitchy
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Teamhitting me because I was gonna make a ban request
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a random old trolling screenshot of him, The foreign text up there sounds to me like: "You have a beautiful crotch" it meant he says it to my mother.
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
DRO_dagu807, Dominiqua_The_Wanderer, Guard_Bitchy
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 08:37:47 pm by RayX123 »

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Re: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2014, 06:18:47 pm »
Your lies :
1) The poll accepted because 57% is just random 1 presser or hate me. It's not real reason poll.
2) It was not rage poll it was "ban the random poller" poll
3) I was asking a withness except HaltingBlooper (who got teamhit by me) explain stuff and show your lies what is wrong about it ?
4) Richy in your "Lets only play in EU7" crew. So He is your friend and if admins check logs can see i didn't teamkill him. And he didn't complain about teamhits. This guys (57%) just want me get kicked for "don't let him get xp and gold shhhhh"
5) Teamhitting you ? Or just checking you if you are leeching with nudge ? LOTS OF SCREENS COMING DUDE ! And in the best scenario : You got 1 hs and 6 hit by me. I have 49 cut weapon and 7 ps. And you using medium armor. You should get killed in my second hit. And you was afk for 2 rounds and this is 12-14 min.
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Re: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2014, 06:22:02 pm »
Can confirm this, and a little backstory for that:

On the huge desert ruin map on DTV, some bots stuck as usual in the southeast (I believe) spawn area. We only had one ranged player left (his name was HaltingBlooper), since you couldnt kill the stuck bots otherwise.
So, HaltingBlooper attempted to kill the stuck bot with his crossbow, but failed to do so because the bot was constantly moving around at a high speed. Rabbitstayla probably got mad at him failing to kill the bot, and tried to get the crossbow from HaltingBlooper. However, I stopped Rabbitstayla from teamkilling the crossbowman. However, that resulted in a teamkill, since I didn't know rabbitstayla had such low health at that time. I, however, still said in the chat that he is an idiot, some were surprised, some think that teamkill was justified. (Rabbitstayla probably has a bad reputation in the cRPG community, don't know why).
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Re: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2014, 06:45:50 pm »
Can confirm this, and a little backstory for that:

On the huge desert ruin map on DTV, some bots stuck as usual in the southeast (I believe) spawn area. We only had one ranged player left (his name was HaltingBlooper), since you couldnt kill the stuck bots otherwise.
So, HaltingBlooper attempted to kill the stuck bot with his crossbow, but failed to do so because the bot was constantly moving around at a high speed. Rabbitstayla probably got mad at him failing to kill the bot, and tried to get the crossbow from HaltingBlooper. However, I stopped Rabbitstayla from teamkilling the crossbowman. However, that resulted in a teamkill, since I didn't know rabbitstayla had such low health at that time. I, however, still said in the chat that he is an idiot, some were surprised, some think that teamkill was justified. (Rabbitstayla probably has a bad reputation in the cRPG community, don't know why).

I don't get mad because of 1 teamkill or 1 kick. I just hate this guys. They are lying , try make me get banned and try to insult in their way (brainage jokes , racism). And 10% of community likes me rest is hating because i call bitch to bitchs and annoy a lot of people with random shit talk. Anyway I'm not mad at you but i wanna this guys get banned or get warned. Also you left in half of this drama. Thats why you can't confrim all of them.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 06:49:49 pm by rabbit »
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Re: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2014, 07:36:33 pm »
I play siege and battle too, also im not really friend of him, he just asked me to be a witness, this is what I saw: you tried to teamkill a guy, someone poll to kick you, got accepted, then you came back and did a rage poll to ban him.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2014, 07:43:05 pm by Reachard »

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Re: Random polls, TK rabbitstayla_von_Krems
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2014, 03:32:06 am »
rabbitstayla "nudged/tried to teamkill" important ranged player, dagu tried to stop him by teamhitting him and got him killed, followed up by an insult, Dominiqua felt it was needed to open a kick-poll on him, which got accepted, and later rabbitstayla wanted to kick Dominiqua for what he thought was a ragepoll, and made what YOU think was a ragepoll.

What NO ONE of you have posted, however, was any proof of the teamkill/teamhit/nudge rabbitstayla did to the xbower.

And judged by the shittalking from all of you, + your ban history, I issue a warning to all of you:

rabbistayla, if you suspect someone is leeching, nudge him once or twice, if he doesn't respond for longer than 1 round I'd say it's okay to poll-kick him. If he is active but doesn't fight, avoids fights or just stays in one place, then take screenshots and make a ban request.

Dagu, I'll believe this was an accident.

Dominiqua, he was already stopped (teamkilled  :rolleyes:) and the precious xbowman was saved. I don't think the kick-poll was still needed, unless he'd continue to break the rules.

RodII_The_Only_Mongol, please post screenshots related to the ban request and which are not out of context/from another incident.

Log screens are, sadly, the WEAKEST proof you can bring and the easiest one to manipulate. Witnesses, screens of people BREAKING the rules, not just text in the log, would be appreciated.

Also, personal grudges in ban requests - not cool.

Closed :)
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