Author Topic: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist  (Read 9352 times)

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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #15 on: August 13, 2014, 11:21:29 pm »
The West and the Soviets could've never layed a hand on any muslim land and it would be just as fucked as it is today. No, actually I tell a lie, it'd be much, much worse.
Funny how a country like Vietnam, that suffered at the hands of colonials and cold war warriors to a much greater degree than any mid-east country, is today a fully functional country. Funny how Japan and South Korea, completely destroyed by war, are today some of the wealthiest and technologically advanced nations on the planet. You want to know why the mid-east is different? Here's a hint, the aforementioned goat-fucking ideology. It's why the average muslim will shift the blame to the "west" and wild zionist conspiracies endlessly.

Because Islam is love. Islam is life. It couldn't possibly be Islam that's the problem, no. It's those evil foreigners always coming to mess with our shit. I'm sure that's why there's more books written in Spain in one year than there have been in the entire muslim world in decades, why practically no literature at all is translated into arabic, why only the only respected universities that publish anything of worth are concentrated almost entirely in Turkey, with one or two in Egypt and a desert everywhere else, why there have been so, so few Nobel laureates proportionally from the region.

Iraq was run by a secular government. Terrorists didn't remove Saddam and the Baathist party. The West did. Then came the terrorists.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #16 on: August 13, 2014, 11:31:04 pm »
Yeah, they were totally secular, that's why the sunni arabs lorded it over the vast shia underclass and the kurds, who were AT BEST second class citizens. How many pogroms and ethnic cleansings? How many dead from wars? The entire government was tribal down to it's fucking roots. Government positions and power was distributed according to family bloodlines and tribal alliances.
But I'll give you that the baathists, despite their failings in practice, were much better in every way to the current crop of insane fanatics. Even moreso on paper, but it was achieved as much as theoretical communism was achieved in the USSR.

So do you think this was the desired outcome? Yeah, that's why the US spent thousands of lives and billions of dollars trying to make Iraq a functional state I'm sure, cause they wanted it to fall into chaos. Iraqis started slaughtering each other the minute the iron fist of Saddam was removed. Could it, MAYBE, be explained by religion? No, of course not, the militias ethnically cleansing each other from neighborhoods because that other tribal group thinks that the wrong person became Caliph hundreds of years ago, they couldn't possibly be at fault. The fucking salafists and wahhabists preaching their poisonous bullshit from the Gulf countries and beyond, urging all faithfull to jihad, they're completely irrelevant. The "charitable" muslim organizations, fronts for recruitment and funding all over the muslim, and increasingly western, world, who cares? It's all the fault of those westerners and the evil jews again. Isn't it always.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 11:34:10 pm by Oberyn »
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #17 on: August 13, 2014, 11:52:04 pm »
Haha, gotta love the "omg it's the West's fault that the middle east is fucked up." Funny how nobody else uses that lame fucking excuse, despite there being tons of war in other places as well. Wonder why? Oh yeah, that's because there's no Islam in those other countries, so they're not completely fucked up.

What I find most hilarious is that some westerners are even buying into that bullshit. No matter what the muslims do, be it fighting between themselves or fighting against the west, it's always the west's fault, of course.

If the ME had their shit together and weren't just uneducated, barbaric goat-fuckers nobody COULD fuck with them. There are even plenty of countries in the ME that have been perfectly safe from the big bad West for a long time because they're not COMPLETELY bat-fucking-insane.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #18 on: August 13, 2014, 11:55:26 pm »
Open any history book and read about the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, countries created with borders drawn with rulers, ending up mixing all sorts of people and religions, CIA and KGB intervention in replacing country leaders to their benefit and the direct invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Fuck the Ottoman Empire.

Also, what is the problem with mixing people's and religions? Seems to me like it's just reinforcing Oberyn's point that the Middle East is a backward, tribalist and intolerant place. Although to be fair, any place where religion has significant sway is going to become fucked up.

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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2014, 12:00:47 am »
I wouldn't mind seeing most of your heads on pikes.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2014, 12:03:40 am »
Yeah, but you also seem to think you can have a productive discussion with a self-avowed islamic extremist. I'm sure this is all new and exciting to you, but it's old news over here. Good luck with your "dialogue" though, it will definetely bear fruit if you only try hard enough.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2014, 12:05:21 am »
I wouldn't mind seeing most of your heads on pikes.
That's nice, it's too bad you already gave away you're retarded with those screenshots of your Twitter conversations. It's hard to decide who's more retarded, you or the people you were talking to. And I don't say that just because you were talking to them, but because the things you said were fucking dumb. But hey, dumb people say dumb things, figures.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2014, 12:09:05 am »
And your women sold into slavery.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2014, 12:09:52 am »
Yeah, they were totally secular, that's why the sunni arabs lorded it over the vast shia underclass and the kurds, who were AT BEST second class citizens. How many pogroms and ethnic cleansings? How many dead from wars? The entire government was tribal down to it's fucking roots. Government positions and power was distributed according to family bloodlines and tribal alliances.
But I'll give you that the baathists, despite their failings in practice, were much better in every way to the current crop of insane fanatics. Even moreso on paper, but it was achieved as much as theoretical communism was achieved in the USSR.

So do you think this was the desired outcome? Yeah, that's why the US spent thousands of lives and billions of dollars trying to make Iraq a functional state I'm sure, cause they wanted it to fall into chaos. Iraqis started slaughtering each other the minute the iron fist of Saddam was removed. Could it, MAYBE, be explained by religion? No, of course not, the militias ethnically cleansing each other from neighborhoods because that other tribal group thinks that the wrong person became Caliph hundreds of years ago, they couldn't possibly be at fault. The fucking salafists and wahhabists preaching their poisonous bullshit from the Gulf countries and beyond, urging all faithfull to jihad, they're completely irrelevant. The "charitable" muslim organizations, fronts for recruitment and funding all over the muslim, and increasingly western, world, they're not at fault. It's all the fault of those westerners and the evil jews again. Isn't it always.

I'm not trying to defend Baathism or anything. But Baathism wasn't a religious faction, atleast compared to ISIS or other factions trying to impose Sharia law. The attrocities done to the Kurds wasn't inspired by religion, considering both Saddam and most Kurds are Sunni. Wasn't it the US that promoted the kurds to form resistance during the Kuwait invasion which ended up with not removing Saddam, which left the Kurds alone to get massacred by the Iraqi army? And didn't the Shia insurgency fight the Americans too?

Now I can't be bothered reading into the entire Iraq wars just to prove the West role in the destabilization. My point is simply that even though these regions are fucked up, sending military in to depose leaders will only make things worse. I don't believe the US genuinely tried repair the country after the war. Many poor decisions were made like disbanding the police force and the army. Just like with Afghanistan, where money is being thrown to the government to build top notch power plants that aren't even used and they keep importing electricity from Uzbekistan, buying broken helicopters when they dont even have trained pilots.

*Edit* I never said the ONLY reason for the instability is the West, I said its a main contributor.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2014, 12:11:54 am »
And your women sold into slavery.
Also, why the fuck do you even bother with those retarded "redactions"?

I mean, you DO realize that your whole Twitter conversation can be found just by typing the very first thing you replied to into a search engine? Nice beard, bro, you look just like I thought you would.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2014, 12:14:24 am »
Somehow I'm not surprised you were the one stalkery enough to care to find out. Bro.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2014, 12:15:40 am »
Somehow I'm not surprised you were the one stalkery enough to care to find out. Bro.
Somehow I'm not surprised you're retarded enough to not realize Twitter isn't private and it takes two seconds to find out your identity and the identities of those dear Muslims.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2014, 12:17:27 am »
Yeah, that's why I mentioned it in my initial post. You're so smart, I wish you were my best friend. I could learn so much from you. Learning under your feet. Learning all the smarts you have to offer. What a cool dude. Man, if only.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2014, 12:19:39 am »
Yeah, that's why I mentioned it in my initial post. You're so smart, I wish you were my best friend. I could learn so much from you. Learning under your feet. Learning all the smarts you have to offer. What a cool dude. Man, if only.
Then why the fuck would you make the conversations look retarded and harder to follow and require a fucking legend to be readable with your autistic redactions when they achieve literally nothing? Oh, right, I forgot - you're autistic.
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Re: Conversations with an Islamic Jihadist
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2014, 12:20:37 am »
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