That's a sweet ride, Vovka.
I tried playing it again recently and was quite disappointing.
Few things I found bad:
1. Servers are complete shit, constant DCing and lag/bugginess (RP/GC/pFlops not loading/spazzing out)
2. I used to have helium tanks as well as other items that are no longer in the game. While it said I would be "refunded" for these items, I never was, and started with just about nothing.
3. My tech tree is completely glitched out. I can't access certain techs at all (like not even see them) and I have some items that I haven't unlocked yet. It's really glitchy. I also can't find items that I have in my inventory, in the cube depot.
I'll give it another try later, but right now it's too broken and frustrating for me (losing everything)