You're not looking any prettier on the inside or outside to me right now. What have you said in this thread? Fat, balding, fucking retarded, moron, butt fucking ugly, pasty shapeless potato sack body.I should make a collage of all the shallow insults you have used in this thread and put a banner across it with the word "bullying". All you're doing is proving you're in no way better than him, but you're so narrow-sighted and sure that you are lol. You're so aggro about a fat drunk guy in a video game lol. Take a look in the mirror pls.
Oh and I've never supported making fun of peoples appearance in a game. I didn't like it when it happened to anders either. The only thing stopping most of us from being fat, ugly, or balding/whatever is pure fucking luck, theres no sense beating someone down about that even if they are a total cunt. Thats not how you make things right, not even on the internet. Its pathetic that you guys have so much vitriol out of spite and you think its totally justified to say these things. If it wasn't justified for him, it's not justified for you. Period.