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Author Topic: Do we need a new item manager?  (Read 2928 times)

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2014, 09:01:27 pm »
So basically that means: The dev team approves of the suggestion but there is just none who could?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 05:34:37 pm by BlameMeForTheNoise »


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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2014, 07:48:27 am »
There are people who could, but they would not accept the position because they are busy with other things or unwilling to spend the giant load of time that roll would require.

It's not like they get paid. CRPG is pretty old for a mod, it's wonderful that we still have anyone willing to put time into what they are doing now. Even if I had the skills to help, I would not have the time to do so. I'm really grateful for their work.
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #17 on: July 29, 2014, 12:40:33 pm »
No offense meant to zangibu, but we need an active item manager to.... well manage items and add new items.
March 10, 2014, 12:17:30 am - his last active login. note, just because he logged in still doesn't mean he was actively doing anything important.

European cav sword, modeled and textured. not added.

Crescent halberd, modeled and textured. not added.

Highlander armors, modeled and textured. not added.

Panos has many suggestions, some good, some bad, i wont bother to list them all. There are MANY more suggestions, people who have worked their butt off creating all new material for nothing, simply because the item manager is awol.

This is not a hate thread or a complaint about zangibu in any way, rather, i'd like to see about getting an item manager who can be active and actually do something if needed; there's no point having an item manager that's never on. If anyone else feels the same, vote yes, and maybe we can elect someone who is more interested in the job.

Also, if you are interested, this might be a good place to declare it so that if the devs are looking, everything will all be in one place.

« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 12:46:45 pm by STR_aD_Sargon_eqv »
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2014, 05:29:50 pm »
well, if one person alone could not do it, why not have a GROUP of people do it? an item management team? surely with 4 or 5 people something could be done, and with all the interested parties who do not have the time, this is a chance for them to be a part of it without having to do too much work in one sitting.


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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2014, 06:54:49 pm »
well, if one person alone could not do it, why not have a GROUP of people do it? an item management team? surely with 4 or 5 people something could be done, and with all the interested parties who do not have the time, this is a chance for them to be a part of it without having to do too much work in one sitting.

My guess is that the direction from the devs is pretty poor, so trying to split the work and then delegating the actual work would be even more catastrophic than having one item manager who runs away.

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2014, 11:19:47 pm »
       As it would be nice to have more of a variety, I personally don't think this mod can handle any more items. People rip two models together, and say 'TEXTURE IT' thinking they are contributing, which just makes me cringe. Just take a look at all the one-handed swords, if they add another one handed sword what could they even do differently with the stats, nobody even uses the recently added crusader sword.
       There's other models out there, but I don't think they have a place in this mod. That being said, I do think that these 'novelty' items have a place in the mod if they have the right balance, and of course not everyone has them.
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2014, 11:29:15 pm »
since zagibu left could any admin please tell us what was his ingame name? phyrex?
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2014, 12:03:19 am »
A thread I made a long time ago when I was still new to cRPG - it got a lot of support, hopefully it's realistic to ask that at least some of these can be included.

Shameless repost of my post on that thread, because the Early Middle Ages is my second favorite historical time period, and I am desperate to see these armors added.

Totally going to necro this post (hopefully Zagibu comes back from the dead too). I STRONGLY suggest taking another look at the armors in Víkingr. They are all very well textured and should be compatible with cRPG since Víkingr runs on WSE (I am computer illiterate, so I might be very wrong about that).

Here are some screens I captured of my favorite armors from the mod.

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A few more in my album on imgur for the curious.
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2014, 03:24:40 am »
If you want shit added, at least when I was active the best bet was to go in IRC and harrass people there directly. Also have everything packaged up neatly with suggested stats, or open a thread to discuss stats and get balancer input. Prob make it easier for everyone to get a few, high quality pieces of gear, with agreed upon stats.
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2014, 05:00:26 am »
Well, if nobody knows how to be an item manager, I would like to volunteer, though all I'd know how to do is add items and stats. I can modify models, but don't expect me to be able to do anything with textures

If nobody else knows how to add items to cRPG, then I can serve as a substitute until we find an actual item manager

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2014, 05:10:25 am »
Well, if nobody knows how to be an item manager, I would like to volunteer, though all I'd know how to do is add items and stats. I can modify models, but don't expect me to be able to do anything with textures

If nobody else knows how to add items to cRPG, then I can serve as a substitute until we find an actual item manager

We have a volunteer, give this man a title and let him begin.
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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2014, 07:07:40 am »
Well there we go :)

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2014, 09:16:26 am »
Awesome Battlepriest, thanks for volunteering. As Dionysus has just said, adding those early medieval helmets and stuff should be top priority :)

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2014, 09:19:33 am »
Awesome Battlepriest, thanks for volunteering. As Dionysus has just said, adding those early medieval helmets and stuff should be top priority :)

Actually, I'm pretty sure the item manager's job is to see how good the models suggested are, then give it to the devs to vote on it. In other words, the Item Manager is just a tool  :|

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Re: Do we need a new item manager?
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2014, 04:18:37 pm »
Well, if nobody knows how to be an item manager, I would like to volunteer, though all I'd know how to do is add items and stats. I can modify models, but don't expect me to be able to do anything with textures

If nobody else knows how to add items to cRPG, then I can serve as a substitute until we find an actual item manager
As the Acting Item Manager (Read: Stats-Bitch), I should probably straighten a few misconceptions out, as well as offer what information I can about the position.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the item manager's job is to see how good the models suggested are, then give it to the devs to vote on it. In other words, the Item Manager is just a tool  :|
At the moment, your statement would certainly seem to have some truth to it.

We use a Google Docs Spreadsheets to add stats, we don't edit module_items manually. When chadz compiles for a patch, the module_items.py file is generated using the spreadsheet, so the issue isn't that we need someone do to simple stuff like creating item stats (Item Balancers create the stats anyway, all an Item Manager does is put them into the sheet.) It's that any "Item Manager" will have to have an eye for quality. There are a lot of restrictions that items have to pass through before getting accepted, so it turns out to be quite a tedious task. If you as Item Manager create/edit models/textures, it still has to pass through the normal voting procedure to be able to get implemented. While It's not a rigorous test or anything, it does mean you as the author, don't get the final say.

Really, just about anyone could suffice, but here's a list of things that any candidate will be confronted with or will need to know (might also be worth noting that it would seem, understandably, that chadz highly values initiative). Without the knowledge of how the modeling and texturing process works, so you can fix other people's models/textures, as well as have the willingness to do so, any Item Manger is going to be rather hard pressed to find acceptable OSPs. You must have the author's approval (many people, surprisingly, don't understand this), and you have to scrutinize each OSP filtering out all the items that don't really fall within the timeline or style that cRPG has (Nothing fantasy for example, it shouldn't stick out like a sore thumb), as well as ensuring the items have an appropriate poly count and LOD meshes.

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« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 04:27:03 pm by Tydeus »
chadz> i wouldnt mind seeing some penis on my character