Author Topic: CRPG is indeed dying.  (Read 23680 times)

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #195 on: August 28, 2014, 08:08:48 pm »
So you´re being punished for playing a game too long? Who would ever play such a shitty game? There isn´t that much of a difference between lvl 30 and lvl 33, spend some minutes on the duel server and his lvl33 butt is yours

Everybody would have to play on a stf build to gain money so they could play on a char which is only 2-4 levels higher...That would kill the whole mod in an instant.
Make a STF character, give it just enough gold to buy equipment (no looms), play it for a week with the same playstyle as your main. Compare its K/D stats to your main.

If it's not such a big deal, you should be able to perform pretty much the same.

Note: I'm not defending any particular solution, I don't know exactly how to "fix" it. I just want people to acknowledge the problem.

Offline Admerius

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #196 on: August 28, 2014, 10:39:30 pm »
So you´re being punished for playing a game too long? Who would ever play such a shitty game? There isn´t that much of a difference between lvl 30 and lvl 33, spend some minutes on the duel server and his lvl33 butt is yours

Everybody would have to play on a stf build to gain money so they could play on a char which is only 2-4 levels higher...That would kill the whole mod in an instant.

Freudian slip  :lol:

On a serious note though:
My idea was heavy handed like using nukes to stop a speeder, the main point is to stir things up and provide an unorthodox(frequently its outrageous/bad/crazy) approach to solve it.

There's so much talk and not many ideas on solutions being put forward, this is sounding more like a parliament instead of beta tester forum.

I appreciate the constructive criticism(the down votes and posts)

While writing this I came up with another idea.
Why not have a Lvl 31+ server, with no repairs and no gold gain?
That way we have a hero-server where the big boys can play.

And then tweak gold/xp gain on other servers based on level instead:
Something like this:

Base gold gain per tick:
New=25+ 25*(Average level/Your level)"""capped at 50"""

Base xp tick:
New=500+genbonus+ 500*(Average level/Your level)"""capped at 1000"""

Code: (Example results using these formulas:) [Select]
Average lvl Your level Xp/tick Gold/tick
20 1 1500 75
20 15 1166 58
20 25 900 45
20 30 833 41
20 33 803 40
20 36 777 38

25 1 1500 75
25 15 1333 66
25 25 1000 50
25 30 916 45
25 33 878 43
25 36 847 42

30 1 1500 75
30 15 1500 75
30 25 1100 55
30 30 1000 50
30 33 954 47
30 36 916 45

This way you get rewarded based on your potential to contribute(level difference) AND we have a hero server.

The problem being=one extra server is needed  :(

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #197 on: August 28, 2014, 10:54:27 pm »
Well, it's true there has been a decline in the last year, but with the recent drive by players to push cRPG on Moddb and Steam we've seen a rather large influx of new players. Since June the 19th we've had 3696 new accounts sign up (which is far far higher than we usually have). And the amount of active players is raising quite rapidly, currently sitting at 8.8k a month.

(click to show/hide)

I would say that cRPG is finally growing again. Now if you people can play nice for once and not scare away all these new players is whole other matter  :lol:

probably because most people had vacation, now its over. Did the rates drop?
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #198 on: August 28, 2014, 11:30:17 pm »
As long as Testi lives on through us by inspiring our debauchery and generally terrible behavior, this mod shall never die.

my chars like 4 to5 yrs old, but ive been playing with stops, my warband corrupted or somt, and had to start from scratch again.
I was never active in clans, strat, whatever, and was just running around on the server, doing nothing but getting killed :)
the game became more fun when I started joining clans, and making friends in the game. This mod is really amazing, but what really stands out, and keeps me here, is you guys. the ones that keep recognizing me, and hugging/not killing each other.

Fun times,

cRPG best RPG.
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #199 on: August 29, 2014, 02:28:56 am »
What exactly would you say the break point between "isn't that much" and "too much" is? 3 levels could mean 7 hp and 9-15% damage(because of wpf and depending upon PS/PT/PD). I don't see how that's such a minor thing, especially when comparing a "have" to a "have-not" (loomed guy to an unloomed one.)
Three levels are a massive advantage. Like you say, you can add damage, HP, speed, or branch out and become cav on top of everything.
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #200 on: August 29, 2014, 02:56:14 am »
Wtf is this guy doing here?
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #201 on: December 02, 2015, 07:25:59 pm »
Its interesting looking back on this thread now with hindsight considering CRPG is now dead as dead can be, even though mount and blade Warband still has roughly the same playerbase as it did last year, (link to steamcharts mount and blade warband player statistics)

So CRPGs death has nothing to do with warbands playerbase but everything to do with the problems i outlined in my original post of this thread.

I hope the devs really take a step back and learn from this experience. Otherwise the same flawed game philosophy will destroy their upcoming project MELEE BATTLEGROUNDS just as it destroyed CRPG.

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #202 on: December 02, 2015, 07:27:41 pm »
It's dead for me because my Key doesn't work anymore.    :?: :?: :?:
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #203 on: December 02, 2015, 08:46:10 pm »
Actually, I would argue that the real lesson in looking back at this old thread is that now, almost 5 months later, crpg is not dead.  Not really.

So the lesson is: people will complain, and it doesn't matter.

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #204 on: December 02, 2015, 08:57:40 pm »
Strat was doing well=mod was alive with lots of players
Strat ded = no players
Strat coming back = players coming back

hope this helps :)
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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #205 on: December 02, 2015, 09:27:30 pm »
Actually, I would argue that the real lesson in looking back at this old thread is that now, almost 5 months later, crpg is not dead.  Not really.

So the lesson is: people will complain, and it doesn't matter.

It's 1 year and almost 5 months old actually  :lol:

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #206 on: December 02, 2015, 09:46:57 pm »
I would have liked to see cRPG to come out of the "Beta" phase before the devs started another project.

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #207 on: December 02, 2015, 11:11:56 pm »
Its interesting looking back on this thread now with hindsight considering CRPG is now dead as dead can be, even though mount and blade Warband still has roughly the same playerbase as it did last year, (link to steamcharts mount and blade warband player statistics)

So CRPGs death has nothing to do with warbands playerbase but everything to do with the problems i outlined in my original post of this thread.

I hope the devs really take a step back and learn from this experience. Otherwise the same flawed game philosophy will destroy their upcoming project MELEE BATTLEGROUNDS just as it destroyed CRPG.

It's true the problems with crpg weren't fixed, but the problems you listed aren't what is wrong crpg so you're still wrong. Since I started playing crpg in mid 2013 I've seen the population drop down to what it currently is 2-3 times and come back up so I wouldn't say its dead but in recession again.

Then again if we implemented Matchmaking so the 20-30 people in a server were sorted into groups based on some skill ranking maybe crpg will become populated again.
'The only people who might be put off M:BG by the current state of cRPG would be cRPG players, and we don't want that kind of scum in M:BG anyway.' - Heskey

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #208 on: December 02, 2015, 11:32:28 pm »
I would have liked to see cRPG to come out of the "Beta" phase before the devs started another project.

^ this :D

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Re: CRPG is indeed dying.
« Reply #209 on: December 02, 2015, 11:37:48 pm »
I was always under the impression they kept it as "beta" so they had excuses for mess ups lol
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