Edit1: TL;DR version added
Edit2:Huscarlton suggest armor bonus instead of damage bonus, it seems more sensible.
Edit3: Inspired by San's questions about Arrow 5 I added another "addition" at the bottom. Additions are also indexed by number now.
TL;DR Change ranged so that it can glance if it doesn't hit center mass on hitbox or something similar---Long description---
For great realism!
Warning! Trigonometry stuff inside, please put on math-gear.
Disregard this post if it is impossible to:
-Add a "centerpoint" in hitboxes(head and body needs this added for this to make sense)
-Check the angle of an incoming projectile when hits the hitbox in respect to a predfined "centerpoint" in the hitbox.
Possible stuff that might make this topic totally pointless=cRPG/WSE can't support wokring with trigonometry at all(angles, sin/cos/tan and or [math]vectors)
Look at the awesome artwork of a model with centerpoint marked out and arrows coming in:
Arrow 1,2,3 & 4 has a trajecotry through centerpoint in the model=full dmag
Arrow 5 has about a 45 degree angle, nerf dmg by 1-( sin(angle of impact)^4 ) that's roughly -25% dmg
Arrow 6 has about 40 degree angle, dmg according to formula: -around -15 to -20% dmg
Arrow 7 has close to 90 degrees, dmg penalty becomes 40-50%
If this works then ranged might need a MINOR dmg buff.
Additions after topic creation:
1. Huscarlton suggested armor bonus instead of damage bonus, it seems more sensible.
2. San's questions about Arrow 5 and its high penalty lead me to think of maybe basing half of the penalty on angle it impacts the hitbox and the other half based on angle towards centerpoint.