Author Topic: Can I reasonably expect a change to the current EXP/Multiplier system?  (Read 5734 times)

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Offline Breidr

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Yeah, I'll just flat out say it, I think it's absolute crap, especially on public servers.  It's become a special occasion when I can have x2 for a round now, or it at least feels that way.  If I put anything heavier than a Byrnie on, I seem to lose money, yet I see people run full plate all the time.

cRPG is a great concept, and I keep coming back to it, but it's the multiplier system that kills it for me.  I don't even play all that often, so when I do sit down to play, mostly on the weekends, it grates at me even more to be stuck at x1, and then the repair bills kick in and I just think "there's another three-five minutes of income gone."

I noticed some recent changes to team balance, and I still see games end in stomps with 20 enemies still standing, but at least it's being looked into. Is this ever going to happen to the EXP system?  I keep reading that the multiplier system was only temporary, but it doesn't seem that way.

I can tell you one thing, if Melee: Battlegrounds has a similar system, I'll probably pass on it as well.  Don't need to develop a love/hate relationship with too many games.

EDIT: I'd also like to add that it makes other game modes, like Siege, almost pointless in terms of progression, and that sucks because you get to fight a lot more in non-battle mode, but it's hardly populated.  Also, I still don't know what this "Rageball" thing is, or why it's on my server list.  :P
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:09:42 pm by Breidr »

Offline Angantyr

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Remove the dated multi system and replace it with fixed xp (say the current x3), or fixed xp with a very small bonus for your team wining rounds, so that won't be what's keeping players from logging when they're on x5 or what makes them stop when on x1. Lot of frustration for a lot of players already removed then (if not so much myself).

If players invest the same time in the game sure they could and should be rewarded for personal contribution (like valour), but mainly basing this on the team balancer is leaving a lot to chance.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 12:11:13 pm by Angantyr »

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From what I read in this forum there is no reason to believe that the multiplier-system is going to be changed.
But the autobalancesystem gets reworked at the moment. this might lead to a more ballanced multiplier and with this to a more ballanced xp- and gold- gain.
This is my very optimistic hope on the subject.
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Offline Macropus

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I don't get how is multiplier system so bad. Works fine, imo.

Offline Angantyr

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@Breidr, sell your first loom to have a gold buffer and use what equipment you like until you know what to loom one day in the future (where you may also have access to an armory).

Offline Panos_

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What always bothered with the current XP system, is that all of the players get the same reward no matter of how much did they contribute to the victory of their team.

For example, you have a player who made plenty of frags, and on the other hand you have a guy who did absolutely nothing, yet they both get the same reward, just a multi.

What I would like to see, is a mix of the current xp system, and a proximity/damage dealt xp bonus. Since the first day I started playing c-rpg. I believed that a frag xp bonus is needed, something like this

Total gear cost + Current level of the enemy + frags/points he currently has = XP bonus , of course the bonus should be low, something between 100 and 500 xp per kill.                                                   
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Offline Angantyr

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I don't get how is multiplier system so bad. Works fine, imo.
Maybe not to us, but seems newer players suffer a lot when on bad streaks of x1.

Offline Macropus

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For example, you have a player who made plenty of frags, and on the other hand you have a guy who did absolutely nothing, yet they both get the same reward, just a multi.
Because both of them have the same result - they didn't win the round. That's the aim, not "plenty of frags". And besides, those who do really well get valour, so they are awarded anyway.

What I would like to see, is a mix of the current xp system, and a proximity/damage dealt xp bonus. Since the first day I started playing c-rpg. I believed that a frag xp bonus is needed, something like this

Total gear cost + Current level of the enemy + frags/points he currently has = XP bonus , of course the bonus should be low, something between 100 and 500 xp per kill.                                                   
Imo, people are killhungry enough now, no need to make it even worse.

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Combine the old proximity xp/gold system with a fixed base xp/gold rate per tick independent of previous rounds and add a 1.2 multiplier of the entire income for the winning team. This would give you a fairly consistent xp/gold income that you can personally boost significantly by playing smart and making your team win.

The old proximity xp/gold system incentivized targeting high levels, staying alive, staying with the group and it brought a fun element of very direct personal influence on the amount of xp/gold you would gain. Disadvantages were low xp/gold income for lone wolves and dumb tactics to maximize xp/gold like XP barn. These disadvantages are made much less severe because of the fixed base rate and I think the advantages would definitely do the current server meta some good. In any case an improvement over the multiplier which really doesn't come off too well if you sum up the advantages and disadvantages. It's reliance on winning and losing is unjustifiable with a decisively bad autobalancer.

Obviously even if the old proximity xp/gold system code is still available, it would still take some code work and then a lot of balancing to match it with the current economy mechanics. Yet it seems to me as a layman that this should not be a very dev-time intensive improvement. Further improvement could be basing the xp/gold proximity on damage instead of kills and putting the proximity radius for ranged players around the ranged player instead of his target.

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fuckkk leveling, takes way too long

fuckkk eu1, don't play that shit no more unless i have to

Offline Grumpy_Nic

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fuckkk leveling, takes way too long

fuckkk eu1, don't play that shit no more unless i have to

who is forcing you to play? Are your parents hitting you if you dont play?  :o

Offline Sniger

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From what I read in this forum there is no reason to believe that the multiplier-system is going to be changed.
But the autobalancesystem gets reworked at the moment. this might lead to a more ballanced multiplier and with this to a more ballanced xp- and gold- gain.

Yeah but then you gotta choose: What do you want the most? Multiplier greater than x2 or balance? Cant have both. Thats exactly the paradox®.

edit: Also
Autobalance test this Saturday, July 19th at 4:00 PM (16:00) ET / 10:00 PM (22:00) GMT+2.
Server: cRPG_Tyd_Testbed

We have to test by simulating a normal battle environment, so we need as many people as possible, for a good 30 minutes or so. I'll take screenshots of everyone that comes and hold a raffle for the Boulder on a Stick (has stats of a +3 Long Maul, can't be loomed, so don't transfer it to your STF.)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 03:53:04 pm by Sniger »

Offline jtobiasm

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who is forcing you to play? Are your parents hitting you if you dont play?  :o

Playing with people on ts or warming up before a scrim

Offline Lichen

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Well they have scores based on how much damage you do so why not have xp based on the same? Oh I know players who don't do much won't get much xp...well that sounds about right doesn't it since that is the main problem with this system anyway is players getting xp for doing nothing more than getting lucky enough to be put on the winning team. I was leveling a character and I kept saying wow when am I going to lose and it was just round after round after map continuing x5 and I had hardly done anything since I was low level plus hardly trying. So yeah that can be either good or bad depending on what the goal is. I would prefer a system as I said which is based on the total damage. 

Also for dtv I would really like xp to be based on damage/kills which each wave providing more xp per bot
« Last Edit: July 19, 2014, 05:23:45 pm by Lichen »

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Personally, i hope that the test will give some useful results for future balance, i think we still will see alot of 2h/polearms on the same team, but it wont be highlevel highscores, those will (or should :p) be spread evenly... Well wtf do i know, i know shit about the code, but im sure that it ultimately eventually will improve gameplay.

edit: And... Lets not forget that if/when we get something called balance, we wont get as much XP as we use to! Not until other system has seen the daylight anyways