Author Topic: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.  (Read 1372 times)

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Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« on: July 16, 2014, 12:40:39 am »
1. Name of your character involved :

2. Name of offending character(s) :

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :
 16/07/2014 during the evening. (gmt +2)

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
At the 16/07/2014 Some guys decided to fuck up EU_1 by all rejoining as Horse Archer.
At this point, nothing is wrong if we put aside all the fun & entertainment that was supposed to have on EU_1.
(Especially when a lot of new peasants joined the mod, what a great idea to fuck up the first main server and destroy all efforts made by other players to increase the amount of players on this community...)

As you can expect the might clan Von_Krems which is for sure not known at all for his trolling skill, decided to participate with great enthousiasm to this mighty mess.
Not to mention that, the admin Fin greatly encouraged all the players to continue on it. Deeply motivated by making all the players hating about the Horse Archers in order to force a nerf.
(I thought as an admin that he was supposed to keep order on servers, probably my bad. Sorry :( )
More than just messing up the server, Minjyinnielove decided to also team attack all the friendly guys.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
I guess because "yo lol trolling soww kool und funnay" ?

6. Multiple Screenshots
Here one :
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
All the guys on the screenshot.

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« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 09:23:57 am by Herezy92 »

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 11:11:25 am »
This is from another time, EVEN fin an ADMIN is trolling the servers.

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 11:16:20 am »
Me and Fin decorating eachothers horses with arrows, that's all folks.

And you seemed to be pretty upset with amount of HA lately, maybe don't open threads when you don't have a clear head.

More than just messing up the server, Minjyinnielove decided to also team attack all the friendly guys.

Nope, just Fins plated charger, hence the +1 kill and 2 deaths, but low score, cos of amount of barbed arrows it took.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 11:22:19 am by polkafranzi »
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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2014, 11:53:45 am »
Me and Fin decorating eachothers horses with arrows, that's all folks.

And you seemed to be pretty upset with amount of HA lately, maybe don't open threads when you don't have a clear head.

Nope, just Fins plated charger, hence the +1 kill and 2 deaths, but low score, cos of amount of barbed arrows it took.
My bad, i thought team attacking allies wasn't against the rules.
Moreover, i didn't know that you were helping & supporting your team by doing it. (something new ! )
It's clearly a mistake from me.

I'm pretty sure all your team enjoyed when 4-6 of their players were just team-attacking each-others (because "lol trolling so cool") instead of fighting the enemy.
I thought we were on EU_1 and not on Rageball, forgive me please.

So i'm pretty surprised to see Fin not doing his job.

And what about the admin chat abuse ?

Check the logs, you will see that as an Admin, Fin used admin chat to write in capital letters : "GO HA OR BAN" several times.
With all  the news players we had yesterday, how are they supposed to react when you read this ?
Do they have to guess that Fin is a mad troll ?

Well i can tell you that, they don't.
A friend of me who just started the mod after i motivated him to test it, asked me on teamspeak what Fin meant when he was abusing the admin chat.

To be honest, Polkafranzi a ban request against you is a bit too harsh, a warning would be far enough.
But unlucky for you, you are the one one made the most "trolling errors" yesterday.

This thread should be a global warning about the whole clan.
And having Fin as an admin should be re-considered again. Worse than showing his incompetence on EU_1 yesterday, he encouraged it.
What happened on EU_1 yesterday went clearly too far.

In order to conclude, i would say that i'm not the kind of person winning & requesting bans everydays.
In almost 4 years, this is my first ban request post.
I'll let you appreciate my objectivity.

Thanks for your understanding.

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2014, 12:10:19 pm »
I don't want to troll. I really want to contrbute with my bad english.

I know and I love Fin but yesterday he said in chat : "I don't even know why I m admin, I m the worst bad troll ever" or something like this....

I understand the request of herezy and I support him. I saw Fin and his ha friend doing shit and being very annoying... herezy demand is legit.

I love him but I can understand the bad feeling it makes in new players mind.

Just remove the Fin's admin rights and it will be ok (I m sad to say that.... I really love Fin style)

For minipollzalove just slap his face...he deserves just pity.


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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2014, 12:15:45 pm »
To be honest, Polkafranzi a ban request against you is a bit too harsh, a warning would be far enough.
But unlucky for you, you are the one one made the most "trolling errors" yesterday.

This thread should be a global warning about the whole clan.
And having Fin as an admin should be re-considered again. Worse than showing his incompetence on EU_1 yesterday, he encouraged it.
What happened on EU_1 yesterday went clearly too far.

Get the fuck outta here you self righteous prick, a global warning on the whole clan? for what exactly? a bunch of guys playing as horse archers and two guys hitting eachothers horses........please

Just because Krems don't take themselves as seriously as you guys do, Look through the ban request history. there are pretty much no requests for krems players (except the occasional butthurt one) why the hell would we deserve a whole clan warning, when just 2 out of 80 members were messing around on just 1 occasion?

Please switch your brain on before writing this crap.

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« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 12:28:17 pm by zottlmarsch »
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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 12:22:35 pm »
My bad, i thought team attacking allies wasn't against the rules.
Moreover, i didn't know that you were helping & supporting your team by doing it. (something new ! )
It's clearly a mistake from me.

I'm pretty sure all your team enjoyed when 4-6 of their players were just team-attacking each-others (because "lol trolling so cool") instead of fighting the enemy.
I thought we were on EU_1 and not on Rageball, forgive me please.

So i'm pretty surprised to see Fin not doing his job.

And what about the admin chat abuse ?

Check the logs, you will see that as an Admin, Fin used admin chat to write in capital letters : "GO HA OR BAN" several times.
With all  the news players we had yesterday, how are they supposed to react when you read this ?
Do they have to guess that Fin is a mad troll ?

Well i can tell you that, they don't.
A friend of me who just started the mod after i motivated him to test it, asked me on teamspeak what Fin meant when he was abusing the admin chat.

To be honest, Polkafranzi a ban request against you is a bit too harsh, a warning would be far enough.
But unlucky for you, you are the one one made the most "trolling errors" yesterday.

This thread should be a global warning about the whole clan.
And having Fin as an admin should be re-considered again. Worse than showing his incompetence on EU_1 yesterday, he encouraged it.
What happened on EU_1 yesterday went clearly too far.

In order to conclude, i would say that i'm not the kind of person winning & requesting bans everydays.
In almost 4 years, this is my first ban request post.
I'll let you appreciate my objectivity.

Thanks for your understanding.

You make some good points. Yes, I realise we as a clan can be a bit loud sometimes, and we like to stop for hugs or a quick arrow in the back before continuing, but that's kinda in our theme - and on average we get a new member every 2 days or so, so it seems that there are a lot of people who just wanna be part of an easy-going crew. Also if i recall, kick and ban polls were on, yet nobody choose to use them - maybe because nobody is directly affected and tbh, it's like 1 round out of many that we lose our heads, the rest of the time pretty normal playing.

I see your sarcasm at the start of your post just now, but it has no effect. You see, we are also playing this mod a long time and we do know the rules, and we do know we are on eu1, and no, we don't think we are "cool trolls!" or something, that's just who we are.

I can't speak for Fin right now, but I can say that if he is writing something like "HA OR BAN" in admin chat, seriously, please just everybody take it with a pinch of salt - that's not exactly on a par with some of the shit, let's say..Thomek has pulled in the past, and nobody batted an eyelid.  Fin is loud, that's Fin!

I don't believe there is such a thing as "trolling errors" either, because I already know what trolling is, and it's not something which can really be done in error. Like I said, if the whole server were bothered, there would have been some outcry, but actually you were the most vocal in chat, really going on about how much HA there is, and I think it is this that really pushed you over the edge to make your first ban request in 4 years!

That is a nice thing actually, and I respect that you haven't let anything else get to you that way in your time playing this mod. But this request, i mean me and you both have the same KD ffs :D

I don't think a global warning to the "whole clan" many of whom are excellent dudes, and most don't even voice spam/troll or anything, is in order.  I think we should wait for Fin to see this and post his opinion. I think me and you (Herezy) don't need to post anything further right now, everything has been said. 
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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2014, 12:23:12 pm »
For minipollzalove just slap his face...he deserves just pity.


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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2014, 01:09:57 pm »
1. Name of your character involved :

2. Name of offending character(s) :

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :
 16/07/2014 during the evening. (gmt +2)

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
At the 16/07/2014 Some guys decided to fuck up EU_1 by all rejoining as Horse Archer.
At this point, nothing is wrong if we put aside all the fun & entertainment that was supposed to have on EU_1.
(Especially when a lot of new peasants joined the mod, what a great idea to fuck up the first main server and destroy all efforts made by other players to increase the amount of players on this community...)

As you can expect the might clan Von_Krems which is for sure not known at all for his trolling skill, decided to participate with great enthousiasm to this mighty mess.
Not to mention that, the admin Fin greatly encouraged all the players to continue on it. Deeply motivated by making all the players hating about the Horse Archers in order to force a nerf.
(I thought as an admin that he was supposed to keep order on servers, probably my bad. Sorry :( )
More than just messing up the server, Minjyinnielove decided to also team attack all the friendly guys.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*
I guess because "yo lol trolling soww kool und funnay" ?

6. Multiple Screenshots
Here one :
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
All the guys on the screenshot.

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(saying the following as a player)

Ok. This is pathetic. I can't even bother to write a long reply, so:

1) How could players fuck up a server, by deciding to play another class?
2) How is Minjy, shooting 60 Arrows in my plated charger or full plated body (for a total of 5% damage), breaking any rules? Technically he is. But the numbers tell a different story.
3) Why would having a good time destroy new players' game MORE that 10 Merc-Rapetrain-Members chopping them to pieces?
4) Krems is generally avoiding peasants. How many did u kill yesterday, wearing your fully loomed plate armor and weapon - giving them a good time?
5) Why would encouraging players to have more fun and do what they want to do (withing the rules) be a bad thing?
6) You seem to be the only one taking "GO HA OR BAN" not as a joke - which btw. was meant to go TO the admins, not to you folks.
7) Showing new players, that admins are PPL, not robots, and that Clans are not always as serious and exclusive as yours, is something i will always try to do. And i actually don't give a damn if i hurt a veterans heart.
8) You're not in the position of bitching around. There were player complaining about you teamkilling others at your spawn. Do you want me to pull the logs? (Foxxy_Shortbottom is  a whitness)
9) The only incompetence i've shown yesterday, was thinking you're just messing around instead of banning you, cus that's what an admin should've done after you went mad.

I'm not trying to distort reality here - i'm just setting some things straight. I understand, that you were pissed yesterday - but honestly i don't care if it was caused by too many HA on a server. 

We've done nothing wrong - at least not more than you did.

The only difference is, we're taking it with a smile, you're taking it like a 4 y.o. kiddo who's lollipop's been stolen - i mean WARNING THE WHOLE CLAN?

Should i ban all mercs because you decided to teamkill other players at your spawn yesterday?

We had such good times defending the stairs together. And i actually really like you, but this request is rubbish. And you know it.

However, this is another admins decision, since i'm involved (for a reason i call butthurt).

On a side note Pepe: this won't help you finally get the admin. You can't just steal it from me, you know? :D
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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2014, 01:49:22 pm »
This seems more of a "I'm mad at horsearchers"- thread than a legit ban thread tbh.

Shooting an arrow at fin's plated monster is like nudging a guy in heraldic transitional. Yes it's rule breaking but since the "victim" doesn't care and it really didn't have any effect on the round's outcome I'm going to let this one slide. Especially since it's something completely different you're mad about here.
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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2014, 02:50:15 pm »
Can you keep this request open ?

It have some good drama material.

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #11 on: July 16, 2014, 03:05:01 pm »
Krems always annoy people with latest trends, now it's HA, but back when heavy cav (existed!) we made some people QQ too:

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2014, 03:08:51 pm »
Hmmm there are many things to say.
I'll awnser as best as i can & step by step inside the quote.
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Thanks for reading.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 03:45:44 pm by Herezy92 »

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2014, 03:36:56 pm »
Fair enough.

The main reason i'm HA now is that i just couldn't enjoy playing as melee or thrower anymore, since i was shot EVERY round and hardly had any melee or throwing moments.

If you can't fight them, join them. That's all what yesterday was about. Only that i joined em to fight em. I usually focus other HA or running Archers, ruining their fun - fully plated so that HA can't touch me, and Archers can be bump-killed. I completely ignore Peasants - yes i even let them hit my horse to get some points.

This is just me, trying to still enjoy the game - like many others too.

Just rest asured, that i don't like the HA gameplay either. It's quite a stupid way to spend your time. It's rather dull and boring. I think Archery in general should require a player-based-skillset (just like melee does).

But that's kind of where the Krems-mentality of spicing things up kicks in.

Anyway, I think i speak for all the krems ppl by saying sorry if we unwillingly pissed off new players. Our mission is to piss of the old ones.

That whole thing doesn't touch my admining though. Playing as a HA is not forbidden. Being shot by teammates doesn't make me a bad Admin. And shooting a Plated Charger with low PD doesnt make Minjy a teamwounder - only for particular ppl.

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Re: Ban Minjyinnielove for intentionnal teamwounding.
« Reply #14 on: July 16, 2014, 04:27:16 pm »
Seems like we're done here. Locked
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