Author Topic: Pope Facebook page hacked  (Read 872 times)

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Re: Pope Facebook page hacked
« Reply #15 on: July 07, 2014, 09:54:53 am »
Buonasera a tutti,
avrete notato che nel pomeriggio di oggi la pagina di Papa Francesco è stata presa d'assalto da alcuni hackers. Possiamo ben immaginare il vostro stupore e sconforto quando improvvisamente avrete cominciato a leggere post in arabo, intervallati da messaggi blasfemi contro la religione cristiana e di incitazione alla guerra santa per la vittoria dell'Islam. Siamo lieti di comunicarvi di esser riusciti a rientrare in possesso della pagina, e che il problema è stato risolto. Quel che è accaduto non è addebitabile alla storica amministrazione di questa pagina, che in ogni caso si scusa con tutti voi per lo spettacolo pietoso. Da oggi la pagina vedrà rafforzate tutte le misure di sicurezza per far sì che non possa più accadere nulla del genere. Intanto, vi auguriamo la pace del Signore, una dolce notte, e vi chiediamo la preghiera per coloro che si son fatti responsabili di questo gesto offensivo e sconsiderato, perché imparino il rispetto, e trovino quella serenità d'animo che li induca ad abbandonare questo genere di comportamenti.
From what I understand, they mad. Yes I can bopediboopi a little bit.
Good evening to all,
you may have noticed that this afternoon the page of Pope Francis was assaulted by some hackers. We can well imagine your surprise and discomfort when suddenly you have started to read posts in Arabic, interspersed with messages blasphemous against the Christian religion and incitement to holy war for the victory of Islam. We are pleased to inform you of being able to repossess the page, and that the problem has been resolved. What has happened is not attributable to the historical administration of this page, which in any case would like to apologize to you all for the pitiful sight. From today, the page will see all the enhanced security measures to ensure that it can not happen anything like that. Meanwhile, we wish you the peace of the Lord, a sweet night, and we ask you to pray for those who are made responsible for this gesture offensive and inconsiderate, they may learn respect, and find the peace of mind that would lead them to abandon this kind of behavior.
I guess that's already pretty straight forward for the Vatican :P
Subtext "Burn them!"
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Pope Facebook page hacked
« Reply #16 on: July 07, 2014, 11:14:02 am »
Eventually the non islamic world will have enough of the extremist islam and purge them from this world.

Not even kidding, yo.
I loot corpses of their golden teeth.
But he'll be around somewhere between Heaven and The Devil, because neither of them will take him in, and he'll be farting loudly and singing a filthy song.

i'll be there at around

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Re: Pope Facebook page hacked
« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2014, 11:57:25 am »
Eventually the non islamic world will have enough of the extremist islam and purge them from this world.

Not even kidding, yo.

Well you know, that's what extremist muslim groups have been saying about crusaders for nearly 65 years now.