Author Topic: XP and gold at the end of each round  (Read 291 times)

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Offline Palurgee

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XP and gold at the end of each round
« on: July 03, 2014, 07:46:34 am »
Rounds in battle often end in inconvenient times such that it is inefficient for gold and xp gain (i.e., a battle ending at 4:30, 30 seconds were wasted as no tick is going to go off at 4:00 because the round has ended).

I suggest that we get an amount of xp and gold at the end of every battle round, the amount is a value determined by a percentage based on the amount of time remaining until a tick. If a battle ends at 4:30, it was 50% of the way towards getting a tick, so 50% of the xp and gold is earned (25 gold, 500 xp at gen 1).

This is just to make xp/gold gain over time more efficient, I also understand it would also increase everyone's net xp and gold gain so maybe the 6:30 tick could be removed to compensate.

Thanks for reading and please share thoughts.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 07:51:19 am by Palurgee »

Offline Afina

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Re: XP and gold at the end of each round
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 08:02:42 am »
can you believe even 1% of the gold from to time?
30 seconds of the game do not mean anything,developers did what they consider necessary,if you are not satisfied with something, you can not just play, and not cry about it in 30 seconds what it lost 20 coins
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 08:09:39 am by Afina »
Madness…? This is Sparta!

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