How many masterwork longswords are there?
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That's how many jedi are in cRPG!
Do you have the heirloom pack? Do you have a masterwork longsword? Masterwork katana? Masterwork heavy bastard sword? Do you want a lightsaber? Get yours today!
Download Link: Instructions1. Make sure the
heirloom pack is installed
2. Extract files to modules/mods/{01}Heirloom Models by Final_Boss/copy
3. Replace everything
4. Reinstall the heirloom pack
5. ???
6. Profit!
Note: may require the heirloom pack by final boss continued by jarold please don't sue me i'm poor and have to support a growing family k thx byevisitors can't see pics , please
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loginSounds not included unless you like spears, halberds, axes, morning stars, maces, hammers, daggers, etc. to have lightsaber swing sounds