Yea well it's not our fault MB and Occitan didn't get their shit together when everyone was taking AI fiefs. The only reason they are getting heavy resistance is because there are no other battles. In my opinion the losses they have taken are little. (Since they havnt been at war)
Not sure what bearing this has on anything, but ok.
If the 5 Squids didn't merc that battle for Gforce then it would have been 26-47. Instead it was 31-42 still not even remotely close to a fair fight. Simply playing defense would have won you that battle. Instead you tried to dick flex and got squid wrecked.
Don't try to act as if you merc'd for GFORCE to make things fair, you wanted the 11000 goods I was carrying, simple as that.
Regardless, the point is that you didn't merc when we needed it and you lied to us as a little sprinkle on top.