1. Name of your character involvedByzantium_Jarlek_zeh_Blue
2. Name of offending character(s)Thraellin and White Walker
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible27.05.2014 at 03:30
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. Playing late night, playing well. I'm in merc ts together with BlackB, Iza, Bonk Rico and Thraellin. Thraellin had been teamnudging me a lot and trolling around, nothing really serious. He then says he will poll me "for fun" and I say if he does and it passes I'll make a ban request on him. He then polls me and writes the reason "noob easy mode" ingame. Poll passes and I get kicked and lose my multi. Kinda pissed so I come back and make a poll on him for poll abusing. Poll fails, and some random guy then polls me for poll abusing. I leave and reenter because fuck getting a 1h ban from random people.
Thraellin keeps up the teamnudges btw, took a screen with 3 in a row which ended up with me dying to iza as he nudges me while I'm fighting the enemy.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*Master trolle 2014 420 blaze it. Probably also a massive case of mad cuz bad.
6. Multiple Screenshots7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**All the ones I mention in TS and those you can see in the logs. Seljuk Atruxo should also have seen all/most of it.