1. Name of your character involved: Anuran
2. Name of offending character(s): Pantheon_M, Pantheon_H
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU 7, 18:25 GMT +2 (german time)
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.: We ended a wave of bots and I was going to the Viscount/player spawn. Then I saw these two Pantheons just attacking the shielder called Ryan21 (who looked panicked holding up his shield) continously. I wrote "stop it" and "wtf" (you'll see that in a screenshot) but they killed him... "dont fck with pantheons" one of them said after the teamkill. I told them that this will have consequences as I opened this ban request. The victim Ryan21 started a kick poll against the teamkiller but both instantly wrote "2". When his friend Lord_Jaime asked "why did you killed me?" Pantheon_H answered, that is was just for fun. When I asked if Jaime is an alt character of Ryan21, Pantheon_H hit the viscount (there was a question for mapchange before). You will see all this in the screenshots...
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.: I don't know since I just saw them trolling and teamkilling this guy...
6. Multiple Screenshots
The teamkill:
"dont fck with pantheons"
Log containing the teamkill, its answer and the kickpoll:
"why did you killed me?"
-"for fun"
Hitting the viscount (among other things):
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.:
These guys were on the server:
Edit: Apparently Pantheon_H was also votekicked before already for griefing as well, witnesses are Cora and Switchtense