swashbucklers were not known for having heavy armor.
They were also known for using a buckler, hence the name...
But anyway, include the usual pointers used by shielders, as they apply here as well, even though I expect swachbucklers to already have some experience with the game, since it's a guide, why not:
Basic facehugging - get close and circle to the left side of your enemy. That will make it possible to easily circle-strafe and left-strike them as you rotate the camera, shielders will often miss their left strike as you're running circles around them.
Left strike, your main attack, while aiming at solar plexus, will almost always hit the head, it's also faster and doesn't whiff as easily at extreme angles. However, it's arc is dislocated to the right, meaning it's not directly ahead of you, so you might barely miss targets that are close to your left even if it seems like the swords passed right through them. It also means you can hit people that are behind your right flank, so be careful.
Right strike is your "long range" attack, I don't have the numbers, but it sports a huge increase in range, however, whiffs a lot, if the enemy is close to your right, and it's slow.
Overhead is slow and short, however, from their experience with shielders, many people simply don't expect an overhead from a one-hander, waiting for the left strike instead, so that can get them.
Thrust with a 1H is long (a few points longer than the right strike even) and many one-handers have great thrusting damage, but using it is difficult, since it whiffs even at medium range. Most shielders use it only when they close in and forget about it during facehugging, but it's still possible to utilize, if you master spin-thrust. Remember that the thrust is the only attack that lets you rotate while executing the strike, which makes for some interesting combat options.