
What do you think should happen at the end of the turn when the teams are unjustified?

Both teams should keep their multi
Both teams should lose their multi
Leave it as it is - winning team keeps their multi

Author Topic: No multi - teams are not fair  (Read 202 times)

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No multi - teams are not fair
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:53:23 am »
I have no idea whether such thing has ever been proposed before so sorry if I repeat what may have been said a long time ago but here is the thing. I usually play on EU2 and due to the banner stack and mass clan RQs in one turn there appears often the situation when one of the teams has for example 10 players while the other has 20. So the stronger team wins the round and the text "no multiplier - teams could not be justified" appears. One would assume that in order to make the end of the turn justified it would put all the players to the position they were before the teams got unbalanced, which would presumably be the same multi for both teams, instead only the winning team which obviously won thanks to having twice as many ppl keeps the multi while the losing team loses it anyway. This makes me feel like there is still a reward for the "stronger" team after all, either all should lose their multi or all should keep their multi, I cannot see a way of how this could be abused since nobody gains any extra multi. Thank you.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 10:57:00 am by Mongolista »
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Re: No multi - teams are not fair
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 06:58:38 am »
I preposed it many times. I also said that they should change the multi system re-player pop so that 2 people per team can result in a +4 at least. I put this forward because at the time the Australian server pop was around 15 active players which was often 3v3 which meant we were pretty much permanently on x1. That was the finishing blow for the Australian servers. The pop dropped below the threshold to sustain anything above x1 and then most players just went and farted about on NA servers.
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