Author Topic: SQUID SLIMEBALLS DECLARE WAR ON ACRE  (Read 35135 times)

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« Reply #195 on: May 10, 2014, 01:28:42 am »
That's entirely possible, Digglez was pretty good at ruining strat relations.

Not Turboflex though, he's like the dad of the internet, a true nice guy.

Turboflex was a really good guy it seemed, but I maintain that he could do some flexing every now and again. If he thought someone was being an idiot he'd just be like "dude, you're being a fucking retard" and folks don't tend to enjoy that.

also lol strat :^)
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

Offline Holiday203

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« Reply #196 on: May 10, 2014, 01:31:30 am »

Offline Dirkdi

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« Reply #197 on: May 10, 2014, 01:55:42 am »
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team. 

Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack.  Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this.  Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks?  We'll never know.  After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed.  Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.

Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods  would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter.  With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us.  The defenders put up a valiant fight.  Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again.  But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear.  Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle.  But even he could not stem the tide.

Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp.  The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons.  And silence settled on the field.

The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever.  Respect.  Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.

Was there a reward for top player for defender?  I got no kills, but managed two points.

Imagine if the Thirteen Knights weren't at half strength? We could have possibly inflicted at least 5 points damage.  Then they would be forced to crawl back to their dwellings to lick their wounds, and i doubt we would see the likes of that army for a good while.
My mother always said I was destined for great things, but I never knew it would be something like taking New Ayn Assuadi with underwhelming odds against us.

Offline BaleOhay

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« Reply #198 on: May 10, 2014, 02:06:03 am »
wussley and crew jumped to us from KUTT ally when it was pretty clear we were about to roll over them. Tough call but many of the players here would have done the same given the circumstances. Afterwards they were always great group and perfectly reliable with us. Add to that some of the better mercs to have on your team as a whole clan.
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« Reply #199 on: May 10, 2014, 02:07:40 am »
wussley and crew jumped to us from KUTT ally when it was pretty clear we were about to roll over them. Tough call but many of the players here would have done the same given the circumstances. Afterwards they were always great group and perfectly reliable with us. Add to that some of the better mercs to have on your team as a whole clan.

Astralis are the captain of a sinking ship. No Cowards here.
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Offline Holiday203

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« Reply #200 on: May 10, 2014, 02:24:34 am »
Astralis are the captain of a sinking ship. No Cowards here.

Astralis has TOO much pride.


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« Reply #201 on: May 10, 2014, 02:28:02 am »
Astralis are the captain of a sinking ship. No Cowards here.


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the same could be said

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of all religions life...

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irl something shorted on the shuttle and laika overheated and died within a few hours of liftoff and for a brief while one could look up to the stars and see a light shooting across the sky that was actually a warm dog corpse slingshoting about the earth at thousands of miles per hour which was arguably humanity's greatest achievement so far

Offline Wesleysnipes

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« Reply #202 on: May 10, 2014, 02:28:14 am »
Well said Bro Bale. Yeah I wasn't aloud in fimbutthole thing which pretty much originated from TAMDA, only NH joined in. Later on Teutonics left it TAMDA, and I wanted in fimbutthole but Turbo's dick was too hard and he insisted I was unreliable... If you know what I mean ;). Blah blah blah. So far this strat is going planned. Muahahahaha.

Edit: TAMDA was my idea. I came to Artyrm and brought up the idea.
Dashing through the steppe, on a hundreds horse sleigh, o'er fields we go, laughing all the way. HOHOHO! It's Calamariclause and it's Christmas in April for the Squids.

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« Reply #203 on: May 10, 2014, 02:52:12 am »
I thought Sauce and Elindor came up with TAMDA, because it was Elindor who came to me with the idea.  Really though, the whole thing was doomed from the start.  Since the backbone of it was HG and they gave their fiefs to Remnant, who in turn joined FCC, who basically ended up controlling most of the tundra anyway.

man, strat 4 sucked dick
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Sordida asinum latronibus sumus

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« Reply #204 on: May 10, 2014, 03:15:49 am »
I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team. 

Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack.  Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this.  Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks?  We'll never know.  After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed.  Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.

Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods  would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter.  With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us.  The defenders put up a valiant fight.  Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again.  But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear.  Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle.  But even he could not stem the tide.

Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp.  The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons.  And silence settled on the field.

The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever.  Respect.  Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.

Was there a reward for top player for defender?  I got no kills, but managed two points.

if you didn't +1 that post you either didn't read it or are just not humorous. I mean really. the dot formation. what more can be said.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 03:19:13 am by Jack1 »
We're all nerds here, so it doesn't really matter.


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« Reply #205 on: May 10, 2014, 04:11:34 am »
Well said Bro Bale. Yeah I wasn't aloud in fimbutthole thing which pretty much originated from TAMDA, only NH joined in. Later on Teutonics left it TAMDA, and I wanted in fimbutthole but Turbo's dick was too hard and he insisted I was unreliable... If you know what I mean ;). Blah blah blah. So far this strat is going planned. Muahahahaha.

Edit: TAMDA was my idea. I came to Artyrm and brought up the idea.

hello, your opinion is wrong and mine is right you colossal shitbaby

fimbul = "hey, ravens/dracul/frisia, we all get along with each other, lets attack people together and stuff"

tamda = "wow, that sounds gay, lets none of us join it."

but i think we can both agree thats pretty irrelevant, and I want to get back on track with inspiring better shitposting out of you guys

i think this quote from the legendgayry transcendentalist, henry david thoreau will help get you guys in the right state of mind

"What shitposts behind us and what shitposts ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what shitposts within us."

Offline Real_Dece_Guy

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« Reply #206 on: May 10, 2014, 04:34:00 am »
I just read 10 pages of this in a row, and I may well have gotten brain cancer.

I'm no closer to understanding this war, except that apparently Squids are determined to take the low road this strat, dick whoever they want, and justify it by saying it makes somebody mad.  There are about 5 straight pages of "lol, he mad" in this thread. 

Ask yourselves - is this the faction you want to support? 

Half the shit being talked about in this thread isn't stuff anyone else was present for, but was steam/teamspeak diplomacy being gratuitously leaked.  So, distasteful as I find it, I'll add one more bit of information from TS for the record.  I was at the meeting where Wesley and a couple others were talking about the merc agreement we had honestly forgotten about, because it was apparently discussed only once weeks/months back, not posted on Diplomacy, and hadn't come up since.  I asked them if we had done anything to hurt their faction as a result of this lapse of memory, and they admitted, straight up, that we had not, it just hurt their feelings.  Then they went back to badgering James, and negotiations, predictably, came to an end.  About one day later, they started this war.

Other than that, I'd just like to thank Daruvian (and Sandy) for providing the only entertainment in this thread, and trying to elevate the discourse to a more tolerable type of shitpost.  I really never thought I'd say this but
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At last I truly see.
His Excellency Viceroy for Life, Field Marshal Al chadzi Doctor Idi Axemin, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the Free Company Empire in Calradia in General and the Tundra in Particular.

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Offline Bryggan

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« Reply #207 on: May 10, 2014, 04:40:29 am »
I just read 10 pages of this in a row, and I may well have gotten brain cancer.

I'm no closer to understanding this war, except that apparently Squids are determined to take the low road this strat, dick whoever they want, and justify it by saying it makes somebody mad.  There are about 5 straight pages of "lol, he mad" in this thread. 

Ask yourselves - is this the faction you want to support? 

Half the shit being talked about in this thread isn't stuff anyone else was present for, but was steam/teamspeak diplomacy being gratuitously leaked.  So, distasteful as I find it, I'll add one more bit of information from TS for the record.  I was at the meeting where Wesley and a couple others were talking about the merc agreement we had honestly forgotten about, because it was apparently discussed only once weeks/months back, not posted on Diplomacy, and hadn't come up since.  I asked them if we had done anything to hurt their faction as a result of this lapse of memory, and they admitted, straight up, that we had not, it just hurt their feelings.  Then they went back to badgering James, and negotiations, predictably, came to an end.  About one day later, they started this war.

Other than that, I'd just like to thank Daruvian (and Sandy) for providing the only entertainment in this thread, and trying to elevate the discourse to a more tolerable type of shitpost.  I really never thought I'd say this but
(click to show/hide)
At last I truly see.

I am so disappointed I myself did not entertain you.  I suppose my dry history does not excite.

Offline Real_Dece_Guy

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« Reply #208 on: May 10, 2014, 04:42:45 am »
I am so disappointed I myself did not entertain you.  I suppose my dry history does not excite.

I'm sorry Bryggan - I blame the brain damage from this thread.  You done good, and I always appreciate RP.
His Excellency Viceroy for Life, Field Marshal Al chadzi Doctor Idi Axemin, VC, DSO, MC, CBE, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the Free Company Empire in Calradia in General and the Tundra in Particular.

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« Reply #209 on: May 10, 2014, 04:59:40 am »
What would Star Wars have been without Darth Vader?

What would Thelma and Louise have been without the rapist all men?

Who would James T. Kirk have become if it wasn't for Khan? ... yadda yadda...

I for one applaud the Squids. It's great to have a bad guy.
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