
Should archers have a pin point accuracy?

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Author Topic: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.  (Read 4217 times)

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2014, 11:04:43 am »
problem with missile speed is only on nomad and tatar bow, let's say that rest is ok.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2014, 01:44:19 pm »
problem with missile speed is only on nomad and tatar bow, let's say that rest is ok.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2014, 02:48:58 pm »
I honestly dont mind missile speed, i dont have much trouble dodging arrows with 0 athletics, so if the rest of you can't you're probably playing it wrong with your superior builds and skill. It comes down to awareness.

1. Watch the archer, not the arrow, dont expect to see the arrow coming and still have time to dodge.
2. Abuse the hell out of 'view outfit' and 'zoom' keys, constantly look in every vantage point, if you see any sudden movement or hear anything you dodge to the side or suddenly/unexpectedly stop moving.
3. Don't run in zigzags all the time, good archers will headshot you cos it's a predicatble pattern. Run as if you havent seen them, predict their shot and only dodge at that moment. Archers get frustrated easy and give up shooting guys who do this cos they want easy kills.

I'd rather see other stats tweaked than missile speed since they're so easy to dodge anyway, my issue is with the accuracy (kinda makes it easier to dodge though cos they're guaranteed to hit where they aim). I'd rather have a psychological battle with an archer and dodge them than face an archer who could shoot unpredicably, but i think a small random element would improve gameplay nontheless.

That's what everybody does, but that's not dodging. As I've explained, that's merely trying to make the archer aim where you won't be instead of reacting based on where the archer aims. As archer it's very easy to maintain your draw for a little while longer which renders that kind of effort completely useless.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2014, 02:56:28 pm »
let  archery class alone, just let it be. its ok now

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2014, 04:26:17 pm »
i'm of the opinion that every infantry bar pikemen should be forced to carry a shield, none of this tincan 2h spamming stuff

buff archery
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #50 on: April 28, 2014, 05:04:46 pm »
That's what everybody does, but that's not dodging. As I've explained, that's merely trying to make the archer aim where you won't be instead of reacting based on where the archer aims. As archer it's very easy to maintain your draw for a little while longer which renders that kind of effort completely useless.

It's not very easy to maintain a draw and keep accuracy unless you have high WPF, I hate hearing these random claims from non archers. You have to guess where the arrow goes because c-rpg players are able to move in very weird, unrealistic ways. Someone wearing full plate should not be able to outrun an archer and turn and bend in an instant. But they can, and that won't change.

If archery is intented to be more of a volley system then take away those quick jerky movements.

if the archer aims correctly the target will be hit, every single time. Granted, aiming correctly in that situation takes some skill depending on how far and how fast the target is. However, it's still trivial compared to what it should be, due to the absurd missile speeds.

That is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. "if the archer has perfect aim he can hit his target everytime". First that's based off the best players, low consistent ping, at their very best. Balance should not be based on that. Nomad and tatar are quick and fast because they are weak, you will laughably pincushion any plate wearers, even with headshots sometimes. Sure you can hit them easier, but what does it matter if your damage is often laughable or glances?

With the weaker bows you need a high PD to do any sort of damage to heavy armor players, and each point of PD decreases effective WPF. So does heavier armor. More WPF here takes away from the melee portion we are allowed. Add arrow weight slowing archers way down and you have a very gimped melee side. Archers need to be able to fire into crowds and not hit teammates, if we leave it to 1vs1 we will lose because our melee just can't compare.

So now you have this weak (in both melee/range), slow moving archer who relies on being able to hit his targets better with those bows. Time to take that away too?

The only problem I see is Nomad + HA. An HA with full unloomed using a nomad can easily pick off players with a nice speed bonus, and very fast draw, and they aren't affected by the arrow weight as much so they can take 2 stacks and just plink away. When most use the Yumi it's okay, but unloomed nomad is ridiculous for HA.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #51 on: April 28, 2014, 08:16:51 pm »
it's funny, that you call those bows weak. If you want to kill just take bodkin arrows and you will be able to kill everyone in very short time.
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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #52 on: April 28, 2014, 08:20:07 pm »
With twice as many arrows.
I suppose that's what the extra slot is for.

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Re: Pin-point accuracy with tatar and nomad bows.
« Reply #53 on: April 28, 2014, 10:03:30 pm »
you can always take 3 quivers with you. I quiver of MW bodkins is 20 arrows.

I'm normally using 2 quivers and it's more than enought. If you want to kill with less amount of hits just take stronger bow, it's simple.
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