Switch once again I envy how naive you can be, DRZ didnt win thanks to their awesome skills and K/D on the battlefield, they won thanks to superior economy, players grinding 24/7 x5 on eu2 and their gey friends, if they ever wanted to take over the NA strat, they could and probably would take it within few weeks, because the war is not won on the battlefields, because they would keep sending more and more shiny armies to the east and Im sure some of the NA clans would rather join them than getting stomped (such as the border mafia) and then the NA clans would slowly start falling apart because playing four 1-2h battles a day with less people and worse gear is just frustrating. Id wish you were in Kalmars or Quincies at the beginning of this strat so youd see the real power of DRZ and get through a real war, not some fun based bullshit.
On one hand people here want awesome wars with awesome gear but as long as you know its fun based and it doesnt really matter what the result is, you will never play the game as it should be, the real war is when you put the emotions into it, when you rage for getting killed, when every ticket counts and you have to be coordinated, when youre running low on gear and got to push because thats your only chance to win, the real war is when you have to go beg for troops from clans youd never think youd talk to because they seemed too small to get your interest while it may be their 500 troops that save your caravans. DRZ and GO know this, their bond was created in the hectic times like this which is why they wont turn down on each other. On the other hand all the small clans that were in the antiUIF block last round (or enjoyed their protection while claiming theyre neutral) are either the new players who are like spoiled kids who never gotten into real war and chicken out in the first instance of a real threat or old players who have seen all of this already happening years and rounds ago and are aware of what is coming next and so they either leave coz theyre sick of the repetitive scenarios or leave coz theres actually not enough ppl to fight with against UIF. And then there are people like you who still enjoy the game and dont give up easily, which I admire and if I only had more time (exams coming) Id join you straight away.
I am speaking from my own experience, because even though Im a relatively new player to strat (been playing for about last 4-5 years), our clan Knights who say Ni was on the borders between DRZ and HRE and so had the opportunity to see what it takes to be in the real war. And then ofc there are the Vietnam flashbacks...